I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 321 Game Identity 01

Chapter 321 Game Identity 01
"Don't, don't, don't shoot! I surrender!" Brother Hong immediately panicked. He didn't want to go to jail, but he was more afraid of death.

"Don't move." Yan Xi closed the door of the cleaning room with his foot, and the light instantly reversed.

"It's you?" Brother Hong looked shocked. He thought it was the police, but he didn't expect that it was the woman who was asked by Cao Bo to tie him up. In the end, no one was tied up, but he didn't expect that this woman would come to his door.

"Talk about what happened this afternoon." Yan Xi took a step forward and stepped on a few transparent crystals, which made a crisp cracking sound, making her frown.

"It's none of my business. I'm also taking money to do things. Please let me go!" Brother Hong wailed in his heart. Cao Bo and the others didn't get tied up together. He also said that this woman is very powerful. He didn't believe it at first, but now He believed it!
"Whose money did you take?" Yan Xi pointed a pistol at Brother Hong's head.

"I can't say it. If I say it, he will cut me off. This is the rule." Brother Hong looked embarrassed.

"Get down." Yan Xi took a roll of tape.

"What are you going to do?" Brother Hong leaned against the wall, and there was nowhere to escape.

"Get down, or I'll call the police. The weight on the ground is enough to keep you in prison for a long time." Yan Xi looked at the transparent crystal on the ground.

"Aren't you going to call the police?" Brother Hong lay on the ground suspiciously, he was well aware of the consequences of hiding drugs.

Yan Xi wrapped his hands and feet with tape, and found his cell phone.

"Lock screen password." Yan Xi swiped the phone screen.

"What are you going to do?" Brother Hong looked wary.

"Don't waste my time, or someone will come to see it later, and I can't guarantee that others will be as kind as I am." Yan Xi pointed a gun at him.

After Brother Hong reported the password, Yan Xi checked the address book. There were several frequent call records recently. There was a number called Han Shao. There were call records the day before yesterday and yesterday, and there were calls this morning and at 47:[-] pm Record, there is another call record at [-]:[-].

Yan Xi dialed this number and was connected quickly.

"what's up?"

When Yan Xi heard it, it was Han Ziming's voice.

Yan Xi put the phone to Brother Hong's ear and asked him to answer it.

"Speak! Deaf?" Han Ziming growled.

"Young Master Han, what did I, what did I say?" Brother Hong looked at Yan Xi, what did he want him to say?
"Damn it! You can't even catch anyone, you dare to call me?" Han Ziming was still angry, he finally found out that Gu Jinluo was out of work this afternoon, and this bastard actually screwed up!
"Young Master Han, I..." Brother Hong was dripping with cold sweat. Not only did he fail to catch anyone, he was even caught.

"What did you say? Don't call me if you have nothing to do, wait until the limelight passes..." Before Han Ziming finished speaking, the other party had already hung up. Damn, how dare this bastard hang up his phone? !

Yan Xi dropped the phone and sealed his mouth with tape.

Brother Hong's complexion was abnormal, his forehead was sweating non-stop, his drug addiction had begun, and he was restless physically and mentally.

There are transparent crystals all over the floor, and the small airtight cleaning room is full of confusion.

Seeing Brother Hong becoming ugly and irrational due to his drug addiction, Yan Xi instantly regained consciousness and fixed Brother Hong's hands and feet to the water pipes with tape.

Brother Hong kept breaking free, looking at the ice particles on the ground with red eyes.

Yan Xi hid the pistol in his windbreaker, kicked Brother Hong's phone away, and left the cleaning room.

After walking out of the Hunter's Bar, Yan Xi ran all the way back. After running for almost two hours, he finally returned to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

Yan Xi was covered in sweat, and was already a little bit exhausted.

Seeing a trash can next to him, Yan Xi took off his shoes, threw them into the trash can, and ran up the stairs barefoot.

When I got home, I took a shower with cold water and didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning.


(End of this chapter)

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