I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 324 Game Identity 04

Chapter 324 Game Identity 04
The table was full of food, it smelled delicious, and the taste should be even better.

"Can you finish eating?" Yan Xi expressed doubts.

"I'm a man, of course I can eat enough, but you are 176 tall, and you eat less than Xiaoxia." Hua Cuo said, her figure is not thin, but she is not fat at all, she can eat as much as she wants.

"It doesn't consume physical and mental energy." Yan Xi's daily exercise is only 40 minutes of running.

"Don't you have any desire to eat? Especially seeing all kinds of ice cream and cakes." Hua Cuo said, who said that women only like sweets, he also likes it, even Yun Su likes it.

"I don't feel particularly craving for these sweet and greasy foods." Yan Xi cut open the sandwich with a knife.

"Have you never liked sweets?" Hua Cuo suddenly looked at her.

"I liked to eat everything when I was young, but I don't like it when I grow up." Yan Xi said, so he ate like a ball when he was young.

"Many people are like this. I ate everything when I was a child, and I like to eat everything when I grow up. Do you want juice?" Hua poured a glass of juice by mistake.

"No, I'll drink water." Yan Xi said, drinking juice can also make you feel full.

After lunch, the two cleared the tableware together.

After tidying up, Hua Cuo sat on the sofa again and took the remote control.

"Yan Xi, do you want to take a nap?"

"I don't have the habit of taking a nap, won't you go back?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

"I'm very free today. Your TV can play stand-alone games. I haven't played this game before. Do you have a game controller?"

"Do you want to play?" Yan Xi took out the game controller from the drawer and connected it to the TV.

"How to play this game?" Hua took the game controller by mistake, and judging by the quality of the game, it should be a game from a long time ago.

"It's very simple, without any technical content." Yan Xi explained the rules of the game. Stand-alone games like this were very popular ten years ago, but they have been outdated for many years.

"Let's play together." Hua Cuo was in high spirits.

"I don't want to play." Yan Xi said.

"You can play with me. If you want two people to play together, you can play a game with me first." Hua Cuo gave her the game controller.

"One game." Yan Xi picked up the game controller.

"It's started." Hua pressed the Start button by mistake.

This is a cool running game, whoever crosses all obstacles faster and reaches the finish line will lose blood if he hits an obstacle, and die if he loses all of it.

The two quickly operated the game controller. At the beginning, there were not many obstacles, and both of them could easily avoid them.

But the closer to the back, the denser the obstacles, Hua Cuo began to slow down, after all, he was only playing for the first time.

Although Yan Xi hasn't played this game for the first time in seven or eight years, it's similar to a stand-alone game on a mobile phone, with extremely fast reaction speed, and easily reaches the finish line.

"I knew I would lose. Why are you so good? You only lost 20.00% of my blood, and my blood is basically gone." Hua Cuo said discouragedly.

"I used to play this game a lot." A long time ago.

"It's just my first time playing. Did you play with Yin Zimo before?" He never had such a young age.

"No, he hasn't been to my house, and he doesn't play games."

"Then where do you usually go to play?" Huacuo asked, she and Yin Zimo were not only at the same table, but also had a puppy relationship, and her home was only eight blocks away from Yin Zimo's.

"I don't remember." Yan Xi didn't want to talk about these old things.

Hua Cuo couldn't believe it, how could she not remember, she just didn't want to tell him.

(End of this chapter)

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