I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 325 Game Identity 05

Chapter 325 Game Identity 05
"Play with me one more time." Hua pressed the back button by mistake, and returned to the game start interface.

"No matter how you play, you still lose." It's not that Yan Xi is conceited, but that she has played for a long time anyway.

"It's okay, I've never played such a game with such a touch before, it's very old-fashioned." Hua Cuo looked excited.

"Have you never played games before?" Yan Xi asked.

"My previous time was spent on various studies, such as my chef certificate, computer grade certificate, senior electrician certificate and so on."

"Well, for your superb cooking skills." Yan Xi continued to play with him, after all, he did all the cooking.

"In this way, my chef certificate is still very worthwhile." Hua Cuo was moved, this was his truth, without all these, how could he have the opportunity to play games with her here today.

The two continued to play games, and after three or four games, Yan Xi felt bored, so he changed to another game.

"Continue with the game just now, I just got started." Hua Cuo called.

"Play by yourself for a while, I'll cut two oranges." Yan Xi got up and left.

"I want to eat too." Hua Cuo practiced by himself.

Yan Xi cut two oranges, and peeled off the peels to make it easier to eat.

Hua ate an orange by mistake: "It's so sweet, it instantly satisfies my taste."

"Why don't you get fat?" Yan Xi glanced at him. Although Hua Cuo had fair skin, he had muscular lines.

"I exercise every day, otherwise I would have become fat." Hua Cuo continued to eat oranges.

After eating the oranges, the two continued to play games.

Yan Xi didn't want to continue this game, so he deliberately let him win two games, and finally he could change to another game.

After playing until four o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Xi stopped playing and had already played for more than two hours.

"What's for dinner, let's go shopping now." Hua turned off the TV by mistake.

"Whatever." It wasn't her cooking anyway.

Yan Xi changed his shoes, went out with Hua Cuo, and when he reached the stairs, he ran into Uncle again.

"Yan Xi, where are you going?" Uncle went up the stairs with his cane.

"Go shopping."

"Don't have to go to work today? Go grocery shopping with your boyfriend?" Uncle took a wrong look at Hua.

"He's my colleague."

"Colleague, where's your cousin? Why haven't you seen him?" The old man was just nagging.

"I don't have a cousin." Yan Xi's words are true, unexpectedly he still remembers this.

"Why not? The last time I went home with you, you said he was your cousin. I remember that your cousin is very handsome."

"You remembered wrong."

"I remember correctly, I told my niece. When will your cousin come? Is he married? Does he have a girlfriend? Introduce him to my niece. Maybe the two of you can see each other."

"I really don't have a cousin, you'll know when you go back and ask Auntie."

"My wife has been dead for almost ten years, do you think I don't remember?" Uncle was a little sad, and left with a cane.

Yan Xi also left. She knew that Uncle's wife passed away a long time ago, but he just couldn't remember it.

"Why did he say you have a cousin?" Hua Cuo felt strange.

"He has severe amnesia, intermittent amnesia." Yan Xi said.

"Then do you have any cousins?" Hua Cuo asked, as far as he knew, her parents died in an accident when they went out to investigate. Her parents were both orphans, and she had no other relatives.

"No." Yan Xi said, the wrong flower should be very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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