I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 326 Game Identity 06

Chapter 326 Game Identity 06
The vegetable market is not far from Tianhe Xiaoyuan, and the two walked there.

"Yan Xi! I saw a ten-yuan bill!" Hua Cuo suddenly bent over and picked up a ten-yuan bill.

Yan Xi watched his actions speechlessly.

Hua Cuo touched the banknote to check its authenticity, and said excitedly, "It's true! Yan Xi, I picked up ten yuan. I'll treat you to ice cream."

"No need." Yan Xi didn't want to eat.

"I picked up ten yuan to treat you to ice cream, don't you feel happy?" Hua Cuo looked at her with bright eyes.

"What's there to be happy about?" The corners of Yan Xi's lips twitched, he never thought that ten yuan could make Hua Cuo happy like this.

"Then if you picked up 100 million, would you be happy?" Hua Cuo asked with a smile.

"If there is 100 million yuan on the road, will it be my turn to pick it up?" Yan Xi asked, 100 million yuan is a bunch of money. Is it wrong to think that others are blind?
"If there is no one on the road and you are the only one, will you pick it up?"

"Do you think there will be 100 million yuan left on the road waiting for me to pick it up?" Yan Xi asked angrily, unable to understand why Hua Cuo made such a magical assumption.

"I'm just talking, I just want to ask how it would feel if you picked up 100 million."

"That's not a feeling, that's an illusion."

"..." Hua Cuo's face was full of black lines, he was just chatting casually, there was no need to be so serious.

It takes less than 10 minutes to walk to the vegetable market.
Yan Xi seldom comes to the vegetable market, after all, she is not very good at cooking.

The phone in her pocket vibrated, it was a text message notification, Yan Xi took out the phone to check, Zi Mo asked her if she had applied safflower oil.

Yan Xi replied: painted.

Yan Xi was in a complicated mood, for Lan Muge, she didn't think it was cheating, but for Zimo, she had too many lies, that's why she needed to stay away from him.

In the past, she never thought that she would see him again, and she was even about to completely forget him, but he suddenly appeared, which caught her by surprise.

"Yan Xi, can you eat spicy food?" Hua Cuo was picking out chili peppers.

"I can accept anything that's not too spicy." Yan Xi put the phone back in his pocket.

I walked around the market and bought a lot of vegetables by mistake.

Back home, Hua Mi started to cook soup. Instead of using the newly bought induction cooker, he used a casserole to cook the soup.

"Yan Xi, I'm free tomorrow, can I come to your house? I can help you cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for free."

"Don't come tomorrow, I want a private space." Yan Xi helped pick vegetables.

"You live alone and already have a lot of private space, why don't you fall in love?" Hua looked at her wrongly, and she seemed to have never thought of falling in love.

"Don't talk about personal matters." Yan Xi didn't want to say it, and there was no need to explain to Hua Cuo that it was too impractical for people like them to fall in love.

It's less than five o'clock now, and it takes at least an hour to cook the soup.

Hua Cuo proposed to play games again, Yan Xi let him play by himself.

"You can play with me, I've already got started, and I can cook in four or 10 minutes." Hua mistakenly gave her the game controller.

Yan Xi played with him helplessly for four or ten minutes.

It was almost six o'clock, and Hua Cuo didn't start cooking, and it was ready to eat before seven o'clock.

After the two had dinner, they watched the news broadcast again, and Hua Cuo reluctantly left.


The next day, Sunday.

Yan Xi had nothing to do, so he turned on the computer and logged into the game "Beacon Era".

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Everyone who logged into the game today is single.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligan: Don't think everyone is like you.

[Red Blood League] Male flirt master: Too many men asked me out today, I just abandoned them for the sake of playing.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: Are the men who dated you blind?Or are they all like the kissed type?

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: I am handsome and unrestrained, tall and mighty, extraordinary, extremely intelligent...

[Red Blood Alliance] The handsome man on the star: Who is impersonating me?

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Enough is enough, you are the one who impersonates me every time!

[Red Blood League] Canghai Yijian: @All members, there will be a battle with the Sirius group at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The quota is ten people. Registration is now open. The registration will end before [-] o'clock in the afternoon. Finally, the top ten players with comprehensive strength will be selected.

[Red Blood Alliance] Falling soot: I have an appointment in the afternoon, and I will silently support you.

[Red Blood League] Master flirtatious man: Date your parents?
The falling soot vomited blood in his heart, so he guessed it?

[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: @penicillin, a lone traveler, a master at teasing men, are you going?
[Red Blood League] Penicillin: I'm not good enough, I might be eliminated, I'll sign up first.

[Red Blood League] Male flirt master: I'm signing up now, @勒行者, shall I go?

[Red Blood Alliance] Lone Traveler: I also sign up.

Yan Xi is free in the afternoon and can pass the time.

The phone on the table rang, Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, then answered the call.

"Yan Xi, what are you doing?" Yin Zimo struggled for a long time before dialing her cell phone number.

"I'm at home, and I have an appointment to play games." The implication is that I don't have time.

"What game do you play?" Yin Zimo was a little disappointed, he still wanted to ask her out.

"Online games."

"What online game?" Yin Zimo suddenly remembered that both Zi Heng and Qing Hua liked to play online games.

"The Beacon Era."

"The Beacon Era? Wait a minute." Yin Zimo walked out of the room. The online game Zi Heng played seemed to be called Era.

Yan Xi took down the phone and saw that the other party had hung up.


(End of this chapter)

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