I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 328 Game Identity 08

Chapter 328 Game Identity 08
Yin Ziheng couldn't figure it out. With the personality of the elder brother, he should like that kind of gentle and cute woman, but how could a woman who likes to play games be gentle and cute?

And the eldest brother doesn't play games, how could he know a woman who plays games?
"Brother, then again, how do you know her?"

"Don't ask, just get into the topic." Yin Zimo didn't want to waste time.

"This is my game number, full level, equipped with XXXX, now I am a member of the Red Blood Alliance, if you don't want to join the team, you can quit. I usually come out to chat, or do dungeons with others, or play team battles ..." Yin Ziheng briefly explained.

"The handsome man on the star? Can you change the name of the game?" Yin Zimo was speechless.

"I don't have to change it. I am very satisfied with my game name. Although you are not as handsome as I am, big brother, you are still worthy of this game name." Yin Ziheng has always been self-obsessed. The girl peeked at him.

"Her personality is a bit...quiet, and she is very serious." Yin Zimo said seriously. Yan Xi used to be a little arrogant and proud, but now he is very cold and elegant.

"You mean I'm not serious?" Yin Ziheng's face darkened.

"When are you passing by?" Yin Zimo knew the character of his own brother very well.

"Do you still want my help?" Yin Ziheng said angrily, can you still talk properly?
"The name of the game really doesn't have to be changed?" Yin Zimo frowned. He is already 25 years old, and such an exaggerated game name doesn't look like him at all.

"The name of the game is unique. It was determined when it was first set and cannot be modified. It's just the name of the game. It doesn't matter. The name of the game is very random. Maybe her game name is even more special. People who like to play games are unique. , or a patient with secondary illness, or a hang silk, or an otaku, or a real game master, such as me."

"You must not be able to play with her." Yin Zimo was sure.

"How is it possible? Do you know what her account is? You can add her as a friend, chat with her, brush copies together, or join the team together. For my future sister-in-law, I am willing to quit the Red Blood Alliance temporarily and join her team. I know, I can't do without the Scarlet Blood Alliance." Yin Ziheng gave up his life for righteousness.

Yin Zimo took out his mobile phone. He wanted to make a call directly, but after thinking about it seriously, he still sent a message. After all, it is easy to make mistakes in a call, or even pass through.

You just said that you play the game of Beacon Era, but I also play it. What is your account number?
After Yin Zimo sent this message, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

After a while, I received her reply.

"Her game account is called Lone Walker." Yin Zimo looked at the text message, and it really was a very normal game name, and it was quite in line with her personality. In the past, she was not very gregarious and a little lonely, although now she has become calm and calm. It's sparse, but it can't change this kind of character.

"Just the three characters Lone Walker? No other numbers?" Yin Ziheng entered to search for players.

"It's called Lone Traveler." Yin Zimo read the text message again.

"There is a player named Lone Walker in the Red Blood League, and the game name is unique." Yin Ziheng was a little surprised, could it be this Lone Walker?
Yin Ziheng immediately added Lone Traveler as a friend, and after a while, the other party accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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