I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 329 Game Identity 09

Chapter 329 Game Identity 09
Yin Ziheng began to show his presence and sent several messages in succession.

[Friend] The beautiful man on the star: Xiao Dudu, who do you think I am?

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: You definitely can't guess.

[Friend] The handsome man on the star: Xiao Dudu, are you there?

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yin Zimo looked at the content of the chat and immediately stopped Yin Ziheng's secondary disease mode.

"How am I talking nonsense? Is it this lone traveler? What's her name?" Yin Ziheng asked. The lone traveler was still online, and he sent several messages. Why didn't she reply a word.

"Yan Xi, the language of language, Fu Xi's Xi. She was also a student of Jingyang University, so don't talk nonsense." Yin Zimo warned.

"What a coincidence, she and I are schoolmates. Is that the one introduced by your uncle? Or did you know him from the beginning?" Yin Ziheng suddenly remembered the name. Not long after his elder brother returned to China, the cousin said this name that day, and the elder brother ran out. I didn't even come back for dinner, and I didn't come back until ten o'clock in the evening in a daze.

"Don't ask." Yin Zimo looked a little sad.

"Okay, but let me tell you, if it is really this lone traveler, you have a rival in love. The lone traveler was invited by Jun Wuxia to join the Red Blood Alliance. Jun Wuxia never actively invites others to join the Red Blood Alliance. The lone traveler is the only one." One. The two often go online at the same time. During the last Tanabata event, the two spent time together in the game’s Marriage Island. They must have known each other in reality, and their relationship should be extraordinary.”

"Who is Jun Wuxia?" Yin Zimo frowned slightly, no wonder she said she was playing games at home on Qixi Festival, so she was with this Jun Wuxia.

"I don't know, Jun Wuxia is the leader of the Scarlet Blood Alliance. He is also very good at playing games, but he is not as good as a professional player. However, he should be very rich, and he has never shown his face. Even his voice has been processed. If you really want to If you know Lone Traveler, you may also know Jun Wuxia." Yin Ziheng was very curious, Jun Wuxia and Lone Traveler were very mysterious, and they didn't know their true identities.

Yin Zimo didn't have a clue for a while, and Yan Xi had been separated for seven years, and he didn't know what friends she had by her side.

"First make sure if this lone traveler is my future sister-in-law." Yin Ziheng continued to brush up his presence while talking.

[Friend] The handsome man on the star: Xiao Xixi, who do you think I am?

"Don't act recklessly!" Yin Zimo couldn't help being anxious, he is not those young and ignorant patients with secondary illness.

"Don't worry about it, it's just an Internet term, what a friendly name. Jun Wuxia has always called her Xiaodudu, and we all call her like that." Yin Ziheng didn't care at all.

"Wait." Yin Zimo's cell phone rang, it was the hospital's number, so he went out to answer the call.

The other party didn't reply, Yin Ziheng sent a few more messages.

【Friend】The Handsome Man on the Star: Are you still online?

[Friend] The beautiful man on the star: I want to tell you a secret, in fact, we have never met each other, I remember fighting monsters with you, you saved my life.

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: I didn't know you were Yan Xi until today, but I'm actually Zi Mo.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Oh.

Yin Ziheng was stunned, what does this oh mean?If she doesn't deny it, she admits it. Is that how she reacts?Isn't she surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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