I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 333 Identity Revealed 03

Chapter 333 Identity Revealed 03
So, Miss Fangfei started to swipe the screen.

[Red Blood Alliance] Miss Fang Fei: Jun Wuxia is a short, poor liar, he has no money at all, and all his money was cheated from me!
[Red Blood Alliance] Miss Fang Fei: Jun Wuxia looks like a dog, I was deceived by his appearance!

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: Jun Wuxia is a scumbag, just now he asked to see my nude photos!
[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: What's the situation?
[Red Blood Alliance] Miss Fangfei: Jun Wuxia stepped on two boats at once, he was having an affair with a lone traveler without telling me!I've hooked up with other women before!

[Red Blood Alliance] Miss Fangfei: Jun Wuxia is a hypocrite, a rotten person, you have all been deceived by him!
【Red Blood Alliance】News: Canghai sword has silenced Miss Fangfei.

[Red Blood League] Male flirt master: Oh my god, this is so explosive.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligan: Cang Hai, why did you silence her?Let her keep breaking the news.

[Red Blood League] Kissed your lips: Do you believe this is true?I do not believe.

[Red Blood League] Penicillin: Why not believe it?

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Because, I am so handsome, so handsome and so charming as Yushu Linfeng, but I don't even look for a man, how can I have no time to find him?
[Red Blood League] International Female Hooligan: What does Miss Fangfei's complaint mean?
[Red Blood Alliance] The handsome man on the stars: There must be a reason for the rumors.

[Red Blood League] Master flirtatious men: I believe only one sentence is true, people look like dogs.

[Red Blood League] Penicillin: How do you know?

[Red Blood League] Master flirtatious men: No time to keep silent, either fat or ugly.

[Red Blood League] A Sword in the Sea: @君无虚, I remain silent.

[Red Blood League] News: Jun Wuxia has cleared Miss Fang Fei from the Red Blood League.

[Red Blood League] International female gangster: Although I have always been very upset with Fang Fei, but now I can say that kicking Fang Fei away is to cover up?Of course, no matter how hooligan Jun Wuxia is, he can't be more hooligan than me.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Then why don't you play hooligans with me?
[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: You can tell by looking in the mirror.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Every time I look in the mirror, I am amazed by my peerless beauty.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligan: You need to see an ophthalmologist.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: ...

[Red Blood League] Master teaser: Is there no more to Fang Fei?
[Red Blood League] Penicillin: It seems that everyone is silent.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: I believe it will explode in silence.

Although everyone didn't know Jun Wuxia's real person, they still had some understanding of Jun Wuxia's personality, and they probably guessed that it might be Miss Fangfei who jumped the wall in a hurry and spouted blood.

[Red Blood League] A sword in the sea: @君无虚, in order to appease the masses, I suggest you explain.

Jun Wuxia didn't say a word, but just posted a screenshot of the chat record with Miss Fangfei just now.

After everyone saw the screenshot, the chat area of ​​the Red Blood League caused an explosion of news in an instant.

[Red Blood Alliance] A Sword in the Sea: Brother is short and poor?
[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Although I am not short and poor, if she can kill him with money, I am willing to die.

[Red Blood League] Master flirtatious man: Sister is a hanging silk girl?Oh shit!Today I want to reveal that my sister's job is a fitness trainer. She is 175cm tall and has a standard golden ratio figure. It is true that she is not white enough for her, but she has an internet celebrity face!A strong man chasing his sister can circle the gymnasium!
(End of this chapter)

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