I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 334 Identity Revealed 04

Chapter 334 Identity Revealed 04
[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: I won't say much, she is only 1cm taller than the flirtatious man, and her skin should be whiter than the flirtatious man. A handsome guy chasing his sister can circle the gym twice.

[Red Blood Alliance] Penicillin: The little sister is developing and is expected to surpass the two sisters.

[Red Blood League] The beautiful man on the stars: This young master is 180cm tall, has a handsome face, and a perfect eight-pack abs. You know, this young man has excellent martial arts skills, and he can smash her to death with just a one-yuan coin .

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: I searched the Internet just now, and there really is a company called Lushi Paper, which seems to be very tall.

[Red Blood League] Master teaser: Do you regret it?
[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Fuck you!In fact, I have always been unhappy with her, showing off in the chat area all day, for fear that others would not know that she is rich.


Yan Xi saw the news in the chat area of ​​the Red Blood League, but didn't speak, a system message popped up suddenly.

[System] Message: Penicillin requests to add you as a friend, accept or reject?

Yan Xi clicked to accept.

[System] Message: You and penicillin have become friends!
[Friend] Penicillin: I have never known you. In fact, I am He Qingshan’s daughter. My name is He Qinghua. It’s a pleasure to meet you officially.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: My surname is Yan. I used to be a subordinate of Director He. Nice to meet you.

[Friend] Penicillin: Yin Zimo is my big cousin, I didn't expect you to know each other, how did you know each other?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: I used to be a middle school classmate.

[Friend] Penicillin: Wow, I didn't expect you to have known each other for so long. Even if we have known each other since the first year of high school, it has been ten years now.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: I'll gather when the time comes, goodbye.

[Friend] Penicillin: Goodbye.

He Qinghua was thoughtful. Having known each other in the game for so long, he also knew a little about the lone traveler. He was good at playing games, but he didn't speak out, didn't fit in with the group, spoke more formally, was a little cold, and occasionally had a sense of humor.

There is something special about a woman that my cousin likes.

In terms of personality, the lone traveler is somewhat similar to the big cousin, except that the big cousin doesn't play games.


At 05:30 in the afternoon, Yin Zimo returned home and went upstairs to find Yin Ziheng.

Yin Ziheng is packing his things and preparing to go back to school. His home is not far from the school, but for the convenience of studying, he boards.

Hearing the knock on the door, Yin Ziheng secretly thought that something was wrong, and he wanted to go back to school earlier to avoid his elder brother.

"Zi Heng, are you there?"

"Brother, what's the matter?" Yin Ziheng packed up quickly, put on his shoes, put on his backpack, and went to open the door.

"Continue with what happened in the morning, and I'll take you back to school tonight." Yin Zimo walked in directly.

"You don't need to see me off, I have something to do when I go back to school." Yin Ziheng left.

Yin Zimo grabbed his backpack, dragged him back, looked at him sharply, and said, "What did you do in such a hurry?"

"Brother, it's none of my business!" Yin Ziheng shouted.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zimo had a bad feeling.

"I chatted with her a few words, and then she saw through me." Yin Ziheng looked depressed, no wonder the lone traveler is so good at playing games and has great insight.

"What else?" Yin Zimo's face was gloomy.

"I asked her to have dinner tonight for you, but she didn't agree. It really has nothing to do with me. It's because you are not attractive enough." Yin Ziheng immediately distanced himself from the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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