I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 335 Identity Revealed 05

Chapter 335 Identity Revealed 05
Yin Zimo was very angry, but there was nothing he could do, he couldn't find a clue, he could only attribute it to the fact that he was not attractive enough, otherwise why would she keep rejecting him?

"However, something happened inside the Scarlet Blood League today. There is a girl named Fang Fei who has always liked Jun Wuxia. As for whether Fang Fei and Jun Wuxia have communicated in private, it is not clear, but today Fangfei @junwuxia in the chat area, after that The two fought in private, and Fang Fei scolded Jun Wuxia inside and out in the chat area. In the end, Jun Wuxia kicked Fangfei out of the Red Blood Alliance. I think Jun Wuxia kicked Fangfei away because he didn't want the lone traveler to misunderstand. Of course , this Fang Fei is very brain-dead." Yin Ziheng said.

"Is the relationship between Jun Wuxia and her very close?" Yin Zimo frowned. She often plays games, so is she like Jun Wuxia?
"I don't know. The two never show affection in the chat area, and they rarely speak. As for privately, I don't know. If the two of them knew each other in real life, it would not be difficult to find Jun Wuxia's real person." Yin Ziheng said, just look for Which friends in the real life of the lone traveler also play this game.

"What are the characteristics of Jun Wuxia?" Yin Zimo couldn't think of who it was for a while.

"There are really no features. The biggest feature is low-key. He is fierce and strategic when playing games. Although his voice has been processed, it can be heard that his tone is very confident. He is good at giving orders and does not speak exaggeratedly. He seems to have never I have used swearing, I mean the kind of very vulgar swearing, the most swearing sentence seems to be just S`hit, and he doesn’t seem to have scolded anyone, he just kicks anyone who is upset, and he doesn’t talk nonsense.” Yin Ziheng recalled , I have to admit that although Jun Wuxia is very attractive, he still has the cultivation he should have. The quality of the players in the Red Blood League is still quite high, and most of them have legitimate occupations.

Yin Zimo pondered for a moment. What kind of male friends did Yan Xi have? The only ones he knew were Hua Cuo, Qin Hao, Lan Muge, and Mr. Gu who had lunch with him last time. Excluding Qin Hao, he didn't know who Mr. Gu was. According to the relationship between several people and Yan Xi, the possibility of Huacuo and Lan Muge is very high.

"Are you taking me back to school tonight?" Yin Ziheng asked, if the elder brother sent him, he would not leave now.

"Didn't you just say something about going back to school?" Yin Zimo glanced at him.

"Hehe, it's gone now." Yin Ziheng sneered.

"Leave after dinner, I'll see you off." Yin Zimo left.

Yin Zimo took off his backpack and threw it on the bed, sat on the chair again, started the computer and continued to play games.


Yin Zimo went back to the room and called Yan Xi. His brother had caused such an accident, so he should... apologize.

"Zi Mo?"

"Yanxi, I played games with my brother today, and I left later, you don't need to pay attention to what he told you..." Yin Zimo was in a disturbed mood, half of what he said was false.

"It's ok."

"Have you had dinner?" Yin Zimo asked, this morning she said that she had an appointment with someone to play games, is this person Jun Wuxia?

"I don't have dinner until 06:30."

"You, are you eating at home alone?" Yin Zimo asked hesitantly, the dinner was scheduled at 06:30, was it because of an appointment?
"Go out to eat." Yan Xi didn't want to cook dinner, so it was convenient to go to the restaurant downstairs.

Yin Zimo was silent for a while, who did she go out to eat with?Is that gentleman flawless?
"Zi Mo? What's the matter?"

"No, it's alright..."


"..." Yin Zimo fell into pain and confusion. He always thought that all her contact information suddenly disappeared because she didn't want to see him again, but it turned out not. He still doesn't understand why she disappeared suddenly.

During the seven years when she disappeared, he always hoped that he would find her back one day, but he didn't expect that things had changed.

Now that she had a life of her own, she didn't need him anymore, no, she never needed him.

I don't know how long it has passed, but there is no sound in the call.

Yin Zimo took down the phone and saw that the other party had hung up.


(End of this chapter)

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