I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 336 Identity Revealed 06

Chapter 336 Identity Revealed 06
Yin Ziheng was constantly checking his presence and saw that the lone traveler was still online, but he didn't dare to make any claims.

Seeing that Jun Wuxia was also online, Yin Ziheng had an idea. The elder brother couldn't guess who this love rival was, so he could find out the details of Jun Wuxia.

Jun Wuxia doesn't know how to speak normally, and apart from playing team battles together, he doesn't have much to do with these small generals. Even Cang Hai doesn't know whether Jun Wuxia's real person is round or flat.

[Private chat] The handsome man on the star: How did you and the lone traveler meet?
[Private Chat] Jun Wuxia: What's the matter?

[Private chat] The handsome man on the star: Xiao Xixi is my alumnus, and we are both students of Jingyang University.

Lan Muge raised his eyebrows, this beautiful man on the star knows Yan Xi?Alumni relations?Still using such an intimate title as Xiao Xixi?
Is Yan Xi very familiar with the beautiful men on the stars in private?
[Private Chat] Jun Wuxia: Who are you?

[Private chat] The beautiful man on the star: who are you?You tell me first, and I'll tell you.

Lan Muge was indifferent, just picked up the phone and dialed a number, and within 5 minutes, he knew the real name of the handsome man on the star.

Yin Ziheng, 20 years old, is basically Yin Zimo's brother.

[Private Chat] Jun Wuxia: Yin Ziheng, Yin Zimo's brother?
Yin Ziheng fell into a trough in an instant, how did Jun Wuxia know?Only his cousin and the lone traveler know his real name, could it be that the lone traveler told him?
He didn't find out Jun Wuxia's details, but was exposed by Jun Wuxia!
Whether he admits it or denies it now, it is self-defeating, so he decided to keep silent for the time being.

The top priority is to find out Jun Wuxia's real identity!

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: Miss Yan Xi, are you there?
[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: I have something to ask you, did you tell Jun Wuxia my name?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: No.

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: Why does he know my real name?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: Did you ask him?
[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: How do you know?

Yan Xi didn't reply, the current online games are all real-name, it is easy for Lan Muge to know the player's real name.

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: Miss Yan Xi, can you tell me Jun Wuxia's real name?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: I respect other people's privacy.

[Friend] The handsome man on the star: But Jun Wuxia didn't respect my privacy.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: That's Jun Wuxia's business.

Yin Ziheng wanted to cry but had no tears. He messed up this matter again, lost his wife and lost his army.

Yin Ziheng immediately went to his elder brother for help.

"Brother, are you there?" Yin Ziheng knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zimo didn't come out.

"The Lone Traveler is still online, do you want to chat with her?" Yin Ziheng asked.

"No..." Yin Zimo was in a low mood, having already told her just now.

"Brother, there is something, don't be angry..."

"What's the matter?" Yin Zimo immediately opened the door, already vaguely guessing that his own brother was making trouble for him again.

"Jun Wuxia knows our real name, but I don't know his real name, you can go to the chat history yourself." Yin Ziheng didn't know how to explain.

Yin Zimo frowned, Jun Wuxia knew him?

After reading the chat records, I found that Jun Wuxia only knew Zi Heng's name because he knew his name.Even if he knew him, how could he know Ziheng?

(End of this chapter)

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