I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 337 Identity Revealed 07

Chapter 337 Identity Revealed 07
Yin Zimo thought for a while, and then dialed a number: "Uncle, I want to ask you something, do Hua Cuo usually play online games?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him play games in the office, but Yan Xi sometimes plays games, what's wrong?"

"never mind."

"Qing Hua also always plays games and doesn't study anymore. She doesn't listen to me, so tell me about her when you have time."

"My cousin is only playing occasionally, and my cousin's academic performance is very good, so don't worry too much. Is uncle eating?"

"It's almost there, Qing Hua is still playing games, I'm so mad!"

"Uncle, don't be angry. I'll talk about my cousin later."

"Okay, what else is there?"

"It's okay, don't worry about uncle." Yin Zimo hung up the line. It is unlikely that the wrong phone number was used, so it is likely to be Lan Muge.

Yin Ziheng was listening beside him, the name Huacuo was a bit strange: "Is Jun Wuxia's real name Huacuo?"

"No, Jun Wuxia's real name may be Lan Muge." Yin Zimo guessed, and Hua Mi can be basically ruled out, so the possibility of Lan Muge is very high. This small injury on Lan Muge's arm really does not affect the game.

"Who is Lan Muge? What do you do?" Yin Ziheng asked. Jun Wuxia never revealed any identity information, and Jun Wuxia is the rival in love of the elder brother.

"The CEO of Xingyu Group, the heir of the Lan Family in Jingyang City." Yin Zimo said.

"Fuck! I finally know how he knows my name! Beacon Era is an online game released by a game company under Xingyu Group!" Yin Ziheng burst into tears.

Yin Zimo frowned, it really was Lan Muge, how could Yan Xi play games with him?

"I'll delete my account and stop playing!" Yin Ziheng was indignant. If Jun Wuxia wanted to kill him, it would be like crushing an ant. If Jun Wuxia wanted any equipment, he only needed to change the data on the system. Directly change whose data to zero.

In other words, all the players in the server are just playing games with you!
"Are you really deleting your account and not playing?" Yin Zimo glanced at him.

"I'm just talking, I still have to eat, and I still have to play games. And for the sake of my future sister-in-law, I have to continue to play." Yin Ziheng continued to use his presence in the chat area, although he was very upset with Jun Wuxia.

"But then again, big brother, your rival in love is the president of Xingyu Group, the heir to the Lan family with hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth." Yin Ziheng looked worried. In terms of wealth status, big brother is indeed inferior to Jun Wuxia.

"You've been playing games with her for so long, do you think she's interested in property?" Yin Zimo asked.

"That's again, is Jun Wuxia more handsome than you? But I'm sure, even if you are more handsome than Jun Wuxia, your flirting skills are definitely not as good as Jun Wuxia." Yin Ziheng touched his chin, and the lone traveler Very cold, not something ordinary men can flirt with.


I haven't seen the reply from the handsome man on the star for a long time.

Lan Muge sneered, Yin Zimo must be haunting Yan Xi lingeringly.

If Yan Xi really liked Yin Zimo, Yan Xi would not have rejected Yin Zimo in the hospital that day.

Now it is basically certain that it is Yin Zimo's unrequited love at all, and Yan Xi doesn't like Yin Zimo at all.

"Master, I found Lei Xiaoshun and Heizi. I hung them up and beat them up. They said they were just doing business with Cao Bo, but Cao Bo ran away and couldn't find anyone for a while." A Wei looked depressed. These few people didn't gang up on the young master, but kidnapped a woman named Yanxi.

"You run so fast!" Lan Muge's eyes were cold.

"Yeah, I ran really fast." Awei nodded in agreement, and ran away in less than two days.

"Hurry up and look for it!" Lan Muge glanced at Awei.

"Yes, young master." Ah Wei left immediately, it seemed that the young master attached great importance to this woman named Yanxi.

Lan Muge was a little worried, Cao Bo's rubbish was just collecting money to do things, who was going to kidnap Yan Xi?It can be said that Yan Xi has no money, is not even an important person, and has no value worth kidnapping at all.

Then there is only one possibility, the threat.


(End of this chapter)

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