I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 361 Mu Ge's Birthday 11

Chapter 361 Mu Ge's Birthday 11
Everyone applauded, and many men still stared at Miss Duan. Everyone knew that it was rare to see Miss Duan at ordinary times. Even on such an important day as a birthday party, Miss Duan only showed her face.

After Duan Xunge left the venue, the piano and violin continued to play.

Lan Muge walked up to Yan Xi, and asked with a smile, "After seeing my dance, do you regret refusing to dance with me?"

"You shouldn't ask this question, it will embarrass me."

"You keep this question, come with me." Lan Muge led her to the back garden.

There are no guests in the back garden, and there are flowers and plants all around. In the center of the garden, there is a flower house built with flower vines, with soft and bright lights.

The two walked into the greenhouse, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, and could hear the sound of piano and violin coming from the front yard.

"Does this stress you out now?"

"what do you want to say?"

"May I invite you to dance." Lan Muge stretched out his hand, making a gentleman's invitation.

Yan Xi really couldn't refuse. Today's Lan Muge is wearing a tuxedo, which makes him radiant. In addition, he is handsome and has a flamboyant temperament. From her perspective as a woman, it is undeniable that he is very attractive.

Finally, Yan Xi stretched out his hand and placed it on his palm.

Lan Muge smiled happily, and held her hand and danced together: "Yanxi, I am very happy today."

"You've already said it." Yan Xi followed his dance steps.

"I want to say it again." Lan Muge was excited, looking at her face close at hand.

"Well, I hope your birthday is so happy every year." Yan Xi sincerely wished.

"You said that, but there is one thing I dare not say." Lan Muge suddenly had an impulse in his heart. This sentence is to hope that you will not be absent every year, but he dare not promise, because no one can predict what will happen in the future Things, will he change his mind in the future, will she leave.

"Then keep this sentence and don't say it." Yan Xi can understand that some things cannot be said, keep the beauty of this moment, and don't let this moment become a joke in the future.

"Aren't you curious what the words are?" Lan Muge's mood was a little complicated, and he almost said it.

"Curiosity, but if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. I also have a lot of things I can't tell you." Yan Xi said, she was really happy at this moment, but what she did was all conspiracy, she didn't want to evolve To deceive Lan Muge, the price of deception is far heavier than the conspiracy.

"You said that, I'm very curious about what you can't say to me, but you have already said that you can't tell me, how can I make you say it?" Lan Muge's curiosity was instantly raised.

"Maybe you will know in the future." Yan Xi said, maybe this moment will no longer exist.

"I want to know now, how about this, I exchange each other's words, I use what I dare not say, exchange what you can't say to me, Deal or No Deal?"

"You committed the crime of deception, I refuse." Yan Xi refused without hesitation. She was happy at the moment, but it was far from the point where she lost her mind.

"Oh my God, I didn't trick you. If I could trick you so easily, I wouldn't have to negotiate a deal with you." Lan Muge showed a disappointed expression.

"Keep it a mystery, okay?"

"Anyway, will I know in the future?" Lan Muge stared at her, her eyes were calm and deep.

"I don't know what will happen in the future." Yan Xi said, maybe he will forget about her tomorrow.

"I agree with this sentence." Lan Muge nodded, he was looking forward to the future.

"A dance is over." Yan Xi let go of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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