I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 362 Mu Ge's Birthday 12

Chapter 362 Mu Ge's Birthday 12
"It's an unforgettable moment. With the moon like this tonight, the flowers like this, and the beauty of this beautiful day, can we dance again?" Lan Muge stretched out his hand again.

"You have been out of everyone's sight for too long, maybe you should go back." Yan Xi refused indirectly and tactfully.

"Every year, I'm here to support the birthday party. My sister's and I's birthdays are held here for odd numbers and at Grandpa's house for even numbers. No matter where, my sister just shows her face. Let me take a break, okay?"

"Today you are the protagonist, you can be willful, no, you have always been so willful." Yan Xi said, Lan Muge has the capital of willfulness.

"I take it as your compliment. I admit that my life has always been willful, from childhood to adulthood, so I have a strong feeling that in the future I will definitely encounter some things that make me unable to be willful. Whatever the sky sends Luck, this heart is ready." Lan Muge shrugged, his book was not read in vain.

"Now I believe you have read Byron's poems." Unexpectedly, Yan Xi actually read them.

"Oh my god, didn't you believe it before?" Lan Muge looked surprised, it turned out that she had also read Byron's poems.

The two sat on the bench in the greenhouse and chatted.

It was probably late at night, Yan Xi said: "It's getting late, I have to go back."

"I'll take you out." Lan Muge didn't hold back either, it was about eleven o'clock.

The two left the back garden, deliberately bypassed the open-air venue, and went to the gate.

Lan Muge called the driver to take Yan Xi back.

"Just now I have guessed the gift wrong nine times, and I still have one more chance. I will tell you the answer tomorrow." Lan Muge smiled cunningly.

"I allow you to cheat." Yan Xi didn't care, as long as he was happy.

"You fulfilled many of my birthday wishes today, allow me to say again that I am very happy today." Lan Muge opened the back seat door for her.

"I'm very happy too, goodbye." Yan Xi got into the car.

"Goodbye, good night." Lan Muge reluctantly closed the car door and watched the car go away.

Lan Muge didn't go back until the car disappeared.


Going to the front hall, I saw Gu Jinluo and Song Yixue sitting in the dining area.

"Mu Ge, where did you go just now?" Song Yixue's tone was somewhat teasing.

"Why ask questions knowingly." Lan Muge opened the chair and sat down. The situation and the scene were like when the three of them ate and studied together when they were in college in the capital.

Gu Jinluo cut the food on the plate without saying a word, even if he knew where Mu Ge had gone, so what could he do.

"Actually, you don't need to have a tryst, you can date in an open and aboveboard manner." Song Yixue said, although Yan Xi's background is really hard for outsiders to accept, but as long as Mu Ge's parents accept, everything will not be a problem.

"That's not okay. There are so many wolves around, I'm worried that it will scare her and put pressure on her." Lan Muge said.

"I think you are the only jackal." Song Yixue glanced at him.

"Okay, I admit it. Why don't you go dancing?" Lan Muge looked at the two of them, A Luo seemed very silent.

"Why don't you go dancing?" Song Yixue concealed the disappointment on her face. It was difficult for her and A Luo to go back to the past. Even if they get along like this now, they don't talk about everything like before.

"I've already gone, I just don't go to the dance floor." Lan Muge was full of pride.

"I see, why didn't you bring her to see us?" Song Yixue showed a clear expression.

(End of this chapter)

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