I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 372 The Boss Gossip 02

Chapter 372 The Boss Gossip 02
Song Yixue came in a hurry, looking at Lan Muge with a gloomy face, she couldn't help but feel strange, knowing Muge for so long, she rarely sees Muge angry, but once Muge gets angry, it makes people feel frightened.

"Sit." Lan Muge turned off the video.

"Mu Ge, what's the matter?" Song Yixue sat on the chair.

"Do you still like A Luo?" Lan Muge asked directly.

"I don't want to talk about these things." Song Yixue looked sad. She has always liked A Luo, but now A Luo just treats her as an ordinary friend. continue waiting.

"If you don't deny it, you just acquiesce?"

"Mu Ge, what's the matter?" Song Yixue avoided answering, Mu Ge would not suddenly ask her these things for no reason.

"Do you still remember the reception held by Haina Liquor Industry a long time ago? When A Luo sent you home, the entertainment reporter took a picture of it. It should have made the entertainment headlines, but I suppressed it."

"Is there such a thing?" Song Yixue couldn't help but smiled wryly, could it be that A Luo asked Mu Ge to suppress the photo?

"Do you want to create some gossip between you and Arlo?"

"If A Luo doesn't like me, so what if there are more scandals?" Song Yixue's eyes showed a bit of sadness.

"I don't care about these, you decide for yourself, I just ask if you are willing or not?" Lan Muge asked, he respected Yixue's choice.

Song Yixue fell into deep thought. She hoped it was a fact, not a gossip, but even if it was a gossip, she was willing. She didn't mind using it to test whether A Luo still had feelings for her, and she didn't mind creating more headlines for her benefit. career, after all, she is an actress and singer.

"Mu Ge, why do you want to do this all of a sudden?" Song Yixue was a little puzzled, Mu Ge suppressed it on purpose at the time, why did she bring it up now?

"I don't want to tell you the reason, and you don't need to know the reason, but I will never harm you." Lan Muge said, he couldn't do such things as cheating and betraying friends.

"Then, do whatever you want." Song Yixue's words were a tacit approval, and this matter was beneficial to her and not harmful.


The entertainment headlines on Tuesday made Song Yixue, the goddess of the people, the hottest topic of the day.

All kinds of entertainment reports on the Internet were covered by the goddess Song Yixue.

Gu Jinluo, the president of Shengshi Group, drove Goddess Song home late at night!

The domineering CEO fell in love with me: The [-] billion CEO of Shengshi Group fell in love with the goddess Song!
Numerous fans have expressed that they cannot accept it. Goddess Song belongs to everyone and can only accept everyone's worship!How could Goddess Song have a boyfriend?

But the man is the CEO of Shengshi Group, so he understands somewhat.

Today's headlines successfully pushed President Gu and Goddess Song to the hot search list.

The president of Shengshi Group has always kept a low profile, almost never appearing in newspapers, let alone any scandals.

A netizen picked up a few photos of President Gu, which instantly caused an uproar on the Internet. President Gu's appearance and temperament can throw a few first-line male stars out of the street!
President Gu wants to be tall, handsome, and rich. He is a fighter among the handsome and rich, and the best among male gods!
Netizens picked up the past about President Gu and Goddess Song. It turned out that the two were college classmates and studied at famous universities in the capital.

Then I picked up a group photo of President Gu and Goddess Song on campus. President Gu and Goddess Song played the piano together.


(End of this chapter)

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