I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 373 The Boss Gossip 03

Chapter 373 The Boss Gossip 03
Shengshi Group also exploded inside.

The president never publishes in newspapers, on TV, or accepts interviews. Suddenly a depth charge strikes, like a clap of thunder on the ground.

"It turned out to be Goddess Song! I thought it was Han Qianjin who visited last time." Xu Yonglin was watching entertainment reports.

"Although Han Qianjin is pretty, she is not as pretty as Goddess Song." Kong Ru was browsing the webpage. Although she didn't like Song Yixue, she had to admit that Song Yixue had no dead ends in 360 degrees.

"Appearance will decline sooner or later. The entertainment industry has never lacked young and fresh actresses. No matter how beautiful Song Goddess is now, when she gets old, she will never be able to compare with the young and fresh juniors." Xu Yonglin sighed, and she Also old.

"Do you think the president is such a superficial person because of his beauty?" Kong Ru rolled her eyes, she had never seen any woman beside the president, and she was always wondering how the president would solve his physical problems.

"Will you fall in love with a woman who has no beauty, no figure, and no temperament?" Xu Yonglin asked back. It is a man's nature to like beautiful women. A beautiful woman is not necessarily smart, but a smart woman must be beautiful and must know how to dress herself up.

No one can see your beautiful heart through your ugly appearance.

"Isn't Goddess Song pretty enough? Besides, it's said that Goddess Song came back from further studies abroad. She is beautiful and talented, but she is not rich enough for Han Qianjin's family background. Hmph, it's great to be rich!" Kong Ru snorted, but she was more optimistic about Song Yixue.

"I think Han Qianjin is more likely to become the president's wife. In addition, she is the daughter of Han's enterprise, so she might be able to advise the president. Goddess Song can only act and sing, and she is not at the same level as the president." Xu Yonglin said, She didn't deliberately belittle Song Yixue, she just discussed the matter based on facts.

"Please, there are a lot of actresses marrying wealthy families, and the president is already rich enough, so there is no need for Han Qianjin to add more flowers." Kong Ru said, the president has enough capital, and he can marry any woman he wants.

"The right family is very important." Xu Yonglin said, levels and concepts are different, sooner or later there will be conflicts, or unequal, if Song Yixue marries the president, it is equivalent to being attached to the president, everything must be obeyed by the president, but Han Qianjin is different, Han Qianjin has enough Confidence is equal to that of the president.

"Wow, this photo is just like the hero and heroine in a Korean drama, come and take a look!" Kong Ru swiped the webpage to find the inside story.

"I didn't expect the president to play the piano." Xu Yonglin probed over to see that the president in the photo was still a teenager, playing the piano with the pure and immature Goddess Song.

It's not even work time yet, and the employees are all gossiping about today's entertainment headlines.

"Yan Xi, have you read today's entertainment headlines?" Zhen Ni asked with a smile. It had been more than two weeks, and she was gradually relieved that there was no further news about that incident.

"I've read it." Yan Xi reads the newspaper while having breakfast almost every morning.

"Do you think Song Yixue will become our president's wife?" Zhen Ni began to chat, no matter Lan Shao or the president, Yan Xi has no right to sit in the position of president's wife!

"I don't know." Yan Xi was not interested in knowing.

"You are the president's secretary, do you know anything inside?" Zhen Ni asked, she couldn't believe that Yan Xi was indifferent!
"No. It's nine o'clock and I have to go to work." Yan Xi dismissed Zhen Ni coldly.

A trace of unwillingness flashed across Zhen Ni's eyes, is Yan Xi so calm?Then the matter between the president and Song Yixue is probably not true, it may be the reporter's stalking, or Song Yixue's method.


(End of this chapter)

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