I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 376 The Boss Gossip 06

Chapter 376 The Boss Gossip 06
The recent entertainment news is still inseparable from President Gu and Goddess Song. Neither party responded, which seems to confirm the scandal.

"This is a world based on looks. You are beautiful, and your life seems to be on the hook. It seems that we are going to call Goddess Song the wife of the president." Kong Ru sighed, why did she not have the life of the wife of the president.

"I don't think so. I'm still optimistic about Han Qianjin. And Han Qianjin is also very beautiful, but not as dazzling as Song Goddess." Xu Yonglin said, maybe Song Goddess is all over the country, but Han Qianjin is also pure and pretty.

The landline rang, and Yan Xi answered the call.

Xu Yonglin and Kong Ru looked over in an instant, and the person who called Yanxi or Tian Na's landline was most likely the president, and now everyone was curious about the situation of the president.

After hanging up, Yan Xi left the administration department.

Yan Xi went up to the 29th floor and went to the president's office.

"Accompany me to the party held by the president of Keer Company at seven o'clock on Friday night." Gu Jinluo gave the order directly.

"President, I refuse." Yan Xi said directly.

"The reason." Gu Jinluo asked. Except for work matters, he has not had any interaction with her recently. She is so calm that it makes people angry!

"Recently there have been scandals about you, President. If I accompany you to attend, people will be misunderstood, and there may be reporters chasing rumors. I want to keep a low profile and be ordinary." Yan Xi said frankly.

"So, what do you think about my scandal?" Gu Jinluo asked coldly, did she believe it?

"I don't have any opinion." Yan Xi said.

Gu Jinluo's face was cold, did she not care at all?Is it all his own self-indulgence?

"If, that night, I kissed you, would you still say that you don't have any opinion?" Gu Jinluo looked at her face. If he had accepted her ridiculous proposal, would she still not care?
Yan Xi was silent for a moment, and after organizing his words, he said: "Even if I have an impure relationship with you, I can't stop you from having an impure relationship with other women. My thoughts can't stop your behavior, no matter whether the scandal is true or not. , I can't stop you from liking someone, so your question is meaningless."

"You mean, even if I have sex with you, you won't care if I have sex with other women?" Gu Jinluo's face was full of anger. In her eyes, is he such a casual person?
"It's okay for you to understand it that way." Yan Xi said, she knew he was angry, and also knew that he would not casually have sex with other women because of his emotional cleanliness.

"Then, will you allow your husband to cheat in the future?" Gu Jinluo's voice was freezing cold. Does she have any sense of morality?
"Here, he insists on cheating, what can I do?" Yan Xi expressed helplessness, she is not God, and cannot stop other people's behavior.

"If your husband betrays you, do you really care so little?" Gu Jinluo couldn't understand what she took marriage for!

"It's not that I don't care, but that everyone is only loyal to themselves, and there is no betrayal. He is loyal to his heart and finds true love. What reason do I have to stop him?" Yan Xi said.

"Then do you want to bless him for finding true love?" Gu Jinluo laughed angrily.

"It should be polite." Yan Xi said, if she is lucky enough to get married in the future, she will love him as much as she can, but marriage is not the whole of life, and it is not a request, but a transaction between you and me.

I am so good to you, I am so loyal to you, why do you still betray me?This is a ridiculous request, if you don't treat me well, I have to love you.

If the cheating is due to the loss of freshness and boredom of married life, then there is no need to continue this marriage. If he meets true love, then she should not delay other people's happiness.

She may lose a lot, and may be sad, but what reason does she have to prevent him from leaving?

"Okay, very good, you won! Get out!" Gu Jinluo held back his anger, otherwise he would have strangled her to death.

Yan Xi left immediately, she didn't want to discuss this kind of issue with her boss at all.

(End of this chapter)

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