I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 377 The Boss Gossip 07

Chapter 377 The Boss Gossip 07
The raging anger in Gu Jinluo's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

until the phone on the table rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Gu Jinluo gradually calmed down his anger, and picked up his phone to answer: "Mom, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I'm not in the mood to eat, can you tell me what's going on? Are you really with Song Yixue?" Bai Shaohua's voice was full of anger.

"It's just a misunderstanding." Gu Jinluo frowned slightly.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, why didn't you clarify it?" Bai Shaohua couldn't believe it. For so many years, his son has never had any other women besides Song Yixue. Could it be that he has always been obsessed with Song Yixue?
"This person is not Yixue, it doesn't matter if Cheng clarifies." Gu Jinluo said, even if he clarified, she wouldn't care.

"The one you mentioned last time? It's been so long, can you bring her to show me and your dad?" Bai Shaohua slowed down her tone. Her son is already 27 years old. If her son insists on Song Yixue, she has to promise.

"Give me some time." Gu Jinluo suddenly felt powerless, he thought he could turn the situation around, he thought he had enough chances of winning, but now he didn't even give him time, and she had 40 days to leave.

"We're not forcing you, you can take your time, after all, emotional matters can't be rushed." Bai Shaohua said, she knew her son's temperament very well, and she took feelings very seriously.

"I see." Gu Jinluo calmed down.

"Can you tell me how she is? How is she compared to Song Yixue?" Bai Shaohua was a little confused, she was worried that it was those dubious women.

"It's impossible to compare, and I don't want to compare." Gu Jinluo said, in fact, she can't compare to Yixue in any way!However, he cared about her.

Bai Shaohua's thoughts sank, it seemed that his son liked this woman very much, if he didn't, how could he think that there was no comparison.


When Yan Xi returned to the Administration Department, Xu Yonglin and Kong Ru immediately joined him.

"Have you seen the president?" Xu Yonglin asked with interest in a low voice.

"See you." Yan Xi glanced at Xu Yonglin, President Gu became an entertainment program for the office girls after dinner.

"How is it? Is the CEO in any mood? Like a spring breeze? In a good mood? Or hesitating between Goddess Song and Qianjin Han?" Kong Ru blinked and asked curiously.

"Actually, the president can hug left and right." Yan Xi joked.

Xu Yonglin immediately gave her a thumbs up. Why didn't she think of this possibility? With the charm of the president, it is not impossible to marry Han Qianjin as the wife, and then have an affair with Song Goddess.

"However, the president is very dedicated." Yan Xi added.

"Cut!" Xu Yonglin looked disdainful, men don't care about loyalty, just because they are not tempted enough, what is devotion?When I love you, of course I am devoted, but if I fall in love with other women, is it not?It's just about loving other women.

"I believe that the president is very dedicated. The president has never had any scandals, and I have never seen any women around the president. Maybe he really only loves Goddess Song. From the time when he was studying to the present, he is deeply affectionate and romantic." Kong Ru said. anthomaniac.

"Come on, do you think it's the hero and heroine in Mary Su's novels? Love and romance are always no match for reality and oil, salt, and rice." Xu Yonglin went back to work.

"The CEO and Goddess Song don't have to worry about oil, salt, and firewood at all." Kong Ru muttered, the CEO has enough capital to create romance, and Goddess Song has enough beauty to get romance. It's a fairy tale in reality.


(End of this chapter)

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