I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 381 No. 9 Clubhouse 01

Chapter 381 No. 01 Clubhouse [-]
Gu Jinluo was struggling in his heart. For Yan Xi, his feelings were very complicated and he couldn't express it clearly. He couldn't bear her being unclear with other men, but he already cared about her and didn't want to let her go.

"What are your plans now?" Lan Muge gave Gu Jinluo a cold look.

"I met her first, and you stepped in." Gu Jinluo did not show weakness. Yan Xi had previously stated that he would never have a marriage relationship with Mu Ge, and Mu Ge was already out.

"Gu Jinluo, you have always been silent and confident, but this time you have overestimated yourself. If I can intervene, it will only prove that she doesn't love you. And I don't think it is intervening. She said that she has never loved you. Some people, if you meet them first, they belong to you." Lan Muge said, and had to admit that A Luo was very masculine, but Yan Xi still refused. Maybe Yan Xi had someone in his heart who was more attractive than him and A Luo. Charismatic existence, this existence may be people, things, or beliefs and so on.

"Then what are your plans?" Gu Jinluo threw the question back.

"If we talk about fair competition, we can't be sure who our final partner is at present. Maybe your ending is not Yan Xi, and mine is not Yan Xi, so what's the point of our current competition? How do you know the result." Lan Muge said, this is an unpredictable result.

Gu Jinluo fell into silence. If Yan Xi accepts him, he can try to tolerate everything about her and try not to be harsh on her. He will do his best to love her, and then enter the palace of marriage with her. He can confidently refute Mu Song, his ending is Yan Xi.However, she kept rejecting him, and he was unable to control the development of the matter, completely unable to predict the outcome of him and Yan Xi.

"Yan Xi is right, it's ridiculous for us brothers to turn against each other, because the decision is not in our hands, so what if I beat you to death, maybe she chose the so-called fiancé in the end." Lan Muge said.

"It was you who turned against me first, and you who hit me first." Gu Jinluo's face was gloomy. If Mu Ge hadn't struck first, with his calmness and reason, he wouldn't have struck.

"I hit you because you lied to me and went to Yan Xi on the night of my birthday behind my back. If someone else lied to me, someone pried my wall, I would immediately break up with him and hang him to fight. I gave you a good face by beating you up, and you're going to hit me back!" Lan Muge said coldly, his face was still hurting, and he probably wouldn't be able to see anyone for a few days.

Gu Jinluo didn't argue with him, but said, "How did you know I was looking for her that night?"

"Someone sent me a video. I don't know if it's about you, me, or Yan Yanxi. That night, you and Yanxi...kissed?" Lan Muge asked after hesitation, The video was cut off right here. If the intention is to prove the relationship between A Luo and Yan Xi, it is impossible to stop here, unless there is no more content.

"I don't want to answer." Hearing this, Gu Jinluo could already imagine what kind of video it was. This person successfully pissed them all off.

"Oh, that is to say, she pushed you away?" Lan Muge asked, after all, it was A Luo who took the initiative that night.

Gu Jinluo was silent, it was he who pushed her away, and now he regretted it a little.

"You really had a relationship with Yan Xi?" Lan Muge didn't quite believe it. A Luo would never have a relationship with a woman easily. He even doubted whether A Luo had ever had a woman, and Yan Xi could definitely refuse Arlo.

"Accident." Gu Jinluo didn't want to say more.

Lan Muge's face was gloomy. There was such an accident. Since it was an accident, it had no emotional basis.

"Sex after drinking? Did you take drugs? Got raped?" Lan Muge asked. A Luo can't hold alcohol, but he rarely drinks alcohol and doesn't take drugs. set?

Gu Jinluo didn't speak, picked up the suit jacket on the ground, put it on, and left.

He didn't go back to the office, but took the special elevator directly to the parking lot. Now that he looks like this, he doesn't want to be seen.


(End of this chapter)

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