I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 382 No. 9 Clubhouse 02

Chapter 382 No. 02 Clubhouse [-]
It's the weekend again, after Yan Xi wakes up, he runs on the treadmill. He doesn't have to go to work today, so he can jog for an hour.

The phone rang, Yan Xi clicked on speakerphone.

"Yan Xi, are you up yet? You answered the phone so quickly, you should get up now." Hua Cuo was driving, talking with earphones on.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi was jogging.

"I'm going to your house. I can buy you breakfast and a newspaper. What would you like to eat?"

"are you looking for me?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? Do you have an appointment? An appointment with yourself? Why don't you ask me? I can do all the cooking, housework, etc., and send me whatever you want."

"Well, buy whatever you want for breakfast." Yan Xi said, anyway, she has nothing to do today, and she has to admit that the dishes made by Hua Cuo are delicious.

"Okay, I'll be at your house in about half an hour." Hua Cuo happily went to buy breakfast.

Yan Xi turned off the treadmill and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Half an hour later, Yan Xi had just dried his hair when he heard the ringtone of the building's landline.

Yan Xi picked up the handset, and after hearing Hua Cuo's voice, he pressed the unlock button and opened the door.

After a while, flowers came up by mistake, with breakfast and newspapers in hand.

"I bought sandwiches, macaroni, cheese pancakes, steamed buns, shrimp dumplings, as well as soy milk and blueberry milkshakes. I don't know if you want a Western or Chinese breakfast." Hua put the food on the table by mistake.

"I don't care. Are you always this free on weekends?" Yan Xi sat on a chair and began to eat breakfast.

"I can't help it. I don't have any friends. People around me have their own circles. It seems that you are the only one who is lonely, so I reluctantly come to accompany you. Do you want soy milk or blueberry milkshake? Soy milk is hot." Hua Cuo untied up wrapping paper.

"Soymilk." Yan Xi said, she is used to eating hot for breakfast.

"Do you feel that living alone is too lonely?" Hua mistakenly put the straw into the soy milk, and then pushed the soy milk to her.

"No." Yan Xi picked up the soy milk and took a sip.

"Then have you ever thought that it's not safe to live alone? Although this is the fifth floor, as long as someone is brave enough, they can climb up to the balcony from downstairs along the water pipes and air-conditioning racks." Hua Cuo said seriously.

"What do you want to express?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

"Have you ever thought about having one more person in the family?" Hua Cuo stirred the milkshake with a straw.

"With one more person in the family, no one will climb up the water pipe from downstairs?" Yan Xi asked after swallowing the food.

Hua Cuo's lips twitched, isn't that what he wanted to express?

"Aren't you worried about burglars in your house?"

"I have a couple of pinhole cameras in my house, and there's nothing worth stealing from my house."

"Where is the pinhole camera?" Hua Cuo looked up and looked around.

"There's one on the wall cabinet, one on the corner of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and one on the corridor. Don't worry, there's neither the room nor the bathroom."

"Then is all my demeanor exposed under your nose? If I knew it, I would pay attention to my behavior." Hua Cuo was glad that he didn't do any indecent behavior.

"You don't want to, I hardly check the video, and the video can only be kept for 20 days." Yan Xi said, the video is only for restoring emergencies, and telling Hua Cuo is just to test him, whether he will hack into the surveillance, she set A program, any trace of hacking will let him expose the IP address.

(End of this chapter)

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