I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 383 No. 9 Clubhouse 03

Chapter 383 No. 03 Clubhouse [-]
"Even pinhole cameras can't stop thieves, and it's not a big deal if money is stolen. Don't you worry about your own safety? The thieves are very vicious now. He doesn't want to hurt or kill people, but if you see him, he I'm afraid that if you yell and call the police, you will be cruel when you are in a hurry." Hua Cuo said with a serious face.

"With one more person in the family, won't he be cruel?" Yan Xi asked unhurriedly, eating shrimp dumplings with chopsticks.

Hua Cuo's heart is very depressed, is she joking on purpose?She clearly knew what he wanted to express.

"An extra person in the family, especially a person with strong martial arts, will have an extra deterrent force. Those thieves dare not be too rampant. Maybe this person can subdue the thieves. And one more person can do housework, cook, Did you think about doing laundry and so on?"

"No." Yan Xi picked up the newspaper and flipped through it. Today's news was a bit boring.

Huacuo disappeared in an instant, holding a spoon and eating macaroni in a dull manner.

After eating the macaroni, Hua Cuo couldn't help but say: "Give me a newspaper, the one with the entertainment section."

Yan Xi glanced at him, then took out a newspaper with an entertainment section and gave it to him.

Huacuo opened the entertainment section, today's entertainment headline is undoubtedly an article posted by the goddess of the whole people, Song Yixue, with a group photo of the goddess Song and President Gu.

"Is the scandal between Goddess Song and President Gu true or false? Goddess Song issued an article denying it, but President Gu has not expressed his opinion for a long time. Yan Xi, do you know the inside story?" Hua Cuo started chatting casually.

"I don't know." Yan Xi didn't raise his eyebrows.

"What do you think of President Gu?" Hua took a wrong look at her. He was sure that Gu Jinluo had that kind of meaning for Yan Xi, but he didn't know to what extent.

"I don't know." Yan Xi didn't want to answer, anyway, what happened to President Gu has nothing to do with her, her opinion is meaningless.

"President Gu and Goddess Song are a good match. It is known that they are each other's first love, and they have been single until now. There is a great chance of reunion." Hua Cuo said intentionally or unintentionally, he really thinks that the two are very good match!
Yan Xi kept reading the newspaper, and really didn't know how to respond to the boring topic of Hua Mi.

"Have you finished reading? Exchange newspapers." Hua Cuo handed over the newspaper, with the entertainment section facing up, and he could see the beautiful photo of President Gu and Goddess Song when they were young.

Yan Xi took the wrongly printed newspaper and handed over the newspaper in his hand.

"I didn't expect President Gu to play the piano. In fact, I can also play the piano." Hua Cuo said uncompromisingly. His slender fingers are suitable for playing the piano, but he has no musical talent, and he just stays at the level of playing it.

"Oh." Yan Xi replied, as if he understood the meaning.

Hua Cuo glanced at her quietly. She was looking at the entertainment section, and she couldn't see her emotions. I don't know how she feels?
Yan Xi put down the newspaper and took a piece of cheese pancake. It tasted very crispy and delicious. The breakfast he bought by mistake was delicious.

"Have you finished it?" Huacuo was playing tricks, did she finish it so soon?Does she not care, or does she not want to see it?

"Well, there are also pancakes and steamed buns. If you finish them, I'm full." Yan Xi picked up the soy milk and sucked it up. She was already full.

"Oh." Hua Cuo took care of all the rest of the food. It seems that he has to increase his exercise recently to maintain a perfect figure.

(End of this chapter)

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