I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 389 No. 9 Clubhouse 09

Chapter 389 No. 09 Clubhouse [-]
"Did anything happen between you and Lan Muge?" Zhong Manyao asked ambiguously.

"No, but you said before that Lan Muge's privacy is true or not?" Yan Xi was not curious, but just asked casually.

"In short, I haven't tested his sexual function. In fact, I'm not interested in him. If it weren't for his face, how could I date him? He always thinks he is romantic, not giving me chocolates Just give roses, I hate eating chocolate and roses the most, and every time I waste my time, I have to throw it into the trash can!" Zhong Manyao looked impatient.

Yan Xi understood in his heart that Lan Muge also gave her white roses, and gave her a lot, but it seems that he hasn't sent them again recently. He may already know that she doesn't like white roses.

"Forget it, the point is that he is too self-righteous. I just told a few white lies, and he dumped me immediately. He also asked me about my age. Yes, I lied to him. I am only 23 years old. Later he saw that I was 28 years old on my ID card and said that I cheated on him, really couldn’t stand him, didn’t he know that age is a woman’s secret?”

Zhong Manyao kept complaining about Lan Muge while driving.

Yan Xi kept listening, before Zhong Manyao said that breaking up would depend on one's character, and now she has seen it.

It was getting dark, and the nightclubs in Jingyang City gradually became lively.

Zhong Manyao took Yanxi to Huayue International, an entertainment venue in the city center.

Huayue International is as high as 39 floors, the first floor is the lobby, and then there are various clubs on the upper floors, as well as nightclubs, hotels, bars, restaurants, etc. It is a place for upper-class people to have fun.

Go to the third floor and walk into a top nightclub, Club No. [-].

Club No. [-] is one of the most luxurious nightclubs in Jingyang City.

The performances on the stage don't seem to be too outrageous, and the men and women dancing on the dance floor are purely for release.

"Have you been here before?" Zhong Manyao walked in familiarly.

"No." Yan Xi said, if it wasn't for her mission, she would not be interested in going to nightclubs, and even if she wanted to find someone of the opposite sex, she would rather ask a man to go to a hotel for a date. She values ​​privacy very much.

Zhong Manyao came to the bar and ordered a glass of wine.

Yan Xi also casually ordered a glass of wine.

"If you feel lonely and want to do something, there is a ladies' club on the fifth floor that caters exclusively to single women." Zhong Manyao's eyes lingered on Yan Xi.

"No need at all." Yan Xi directly refused, Zhong Manyao should be a frequent visitor here.

"Here, even if you want to find a woman, I can satisfy you." Zhong Manyao smiled mysteriously.

"Not interested." Yan Xi looked at Zhong Manyao, she suspected that Zhong Manyao was not jealous of men and women.

"You don't have to worry, you can wear a mask, and your privacy will never be revealed, it is very suitable for a seemingly serious woman like you." Zhong Manyao said.

"Looks serious? Where am I not serious?" Yan Xi always felt that he was more serious, but Zhong Manyao felt that he was not.

"From the moment you got what I mean, and then when you came with me, I knew you were restless." Zhong Manyao picked up the wine glass and shook it gently.

"Can't you understand that I just want to get to know you?" Yan Xi was very calm at the moment.

"Hehe, you can call me by my name." Zhong Manyao passed the wine glass forward.

Yan Xi picked up the wine glass and clinked glasses with Zhong Manyao.

(End of this chapter)

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