I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 390 No. 9 Clubhouse 10

Chapter 390 No. 10 Clubhouse [-]
"Yanxi?" Qin Hao was a little surprised, just now he only saw the side face, and the light was a little dim, he thought it was a mistake, until she turned her face to be sure.

"Qin...hao?" Yan Xi almost called Assistant Qin, so he should call him by name.

"Why are you here?" Qin Hao's eyes were strange. He never knew that Yan Xi would also come to the nightclub, and this mysterious black attire, with his hair down, was far from the serious and conservative Secretary Yan.

"Come here with friends...to drink." Yan Xi glanced at Zhong Manyao beside him, wondering why Zhong Manyao brought her here.

Qin Hao looked at Zhong Manyao, this woman was dressed in black leather, cool and enchanting, why didn't he know that Yan Xi had such a friend?
"Yan Xi, can you introduce me?" Qin Hao asked with a friendly smile.

"This is Ms. Zhong, and this is Mr. Qin." Yan Xi briefly introduced, and it is estimated that Qin Hao and Zhong Manyao will not meet each other in the future, so it doesn't matter if they know each other or not.

"I'm Zhong Manyao." Zhong Manyao boldly stretched out her right hand.

"Qin Hao, nice to meet you." Qin Hao lightly shook the other's fingers.

Zhong Manyao withdrew her hand and said nothing.

"Is it just the two of you?" Qin Hao looked at the two of them. He only ordered wine at the bar, and didn't go to the private room or the booth. Is it really just so simple to drink?

"Yeah." Yan Xi actually didn't know, it was only her and Zhong Manyao for the time being, and he didn't know if Zhong Manyao would bring any friends.

Qin Hao was taken aback in his heart. The two women came to the nightclub to drink, neither of them seemed to be in a state of broken love, nor did they seem to come to play, so it is very likely that they came... to meet the opposite sex by chance?
"What about you?" Yan Xi glanced at Qin Hao, she could probably guess Qin Hao's inner monologue.

"A date with a friend, at the B16 card, do you want to come over?" Qin Hao sent out an invitation to prevent Yan Xi from meeting the opposite sex by chance!
"No." Zhong Manyao was the first to refuse.

"Then I won't bother you, goodbye." Qin Hao walked away tactfully, he was considering whether to inform his boss.

Zhong Manyao glanced at Qin Hao's back and said, "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"How can you tell?" Yan Xi raised his eyebrows, and Zhong Manyao's eyes were quite sharp.

"His demeanor and eyes, when shaking hands, he touched my hand very attentively, and there was no lustful look in his eyes." Zhong Manyao took a sip from the wine glass, she has always been very accurate in seeing people.

"Oh, then are you here to hunt for beauty?" Yan Xi said clearly, Zhong Manyao should be a master in the field of love.

"I brought you here to hunt for beauty, okay?" Zhong Manyao's face was full of helplessness, Yan Xi, who was apparently indifferent on the surface, might actually be sullen.

"I'm a very traditional and conservative woman, and these prey are not suitable for me." Yan Xi refused with a serious face, and she didn't think she had the charm to attract good opposite sex. She can't afford it.

"Then what are your requirements for a man?" Zhong Manyao was very curious. Could it be that Yan Xi really likes a man like Lan Muge?
"Do you mean psychologically or physically?" Yan Xi thought for a while, but he couldn't say it was a requirement, it should be called a standard.

"Can't you have both? If you can't pass the psychological level, how can you complete the physical level? Do you like platonic love?" Zhong Manyao looked at Yan Xi in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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