I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 391 Love Viewpoint 01

Chapter 391 Love Viewpoint 01
"Psychologically, you need to appreciate him sincerely, or even admire him. Physically, you only need him to have enough masculine charm, a charm that can make people have a physical response." Yan Xi said, Lan Muge has enough masculinity Charming, but not to the point of appreciation, maybe she didn't know him well enough.

"At the end of the day, it's the difference between love and sex. Maybe you need to lower the psychological level a little bit. For men, liking is enough. It's already considered the psychological level." Zhong Manyao said, maybe she is proud and conceited, she appreciates it There are not many men, and the only people she admires are respect and admiration. Most of these people have been dead for hundreds of years, or she cannot touch them.

"Everyone's standards are different." Yan Xi swirled the glass, but didn't drink.

"Well, there are so many opposite sexes present, there is always one that makes you feel that you have enough masculine charm." Zhong Manyao glanced over, and most of the people who came here to play were of some status.

"Masculine charm not only refers to their appearance, but also their insides." Yan Xi felt that he would not judge a man by his appearance.

"Oh my God, you are too picky. But, I know you have a top quality by your side." There was a gleam of light in Zhong Manyao's eyes.

"Who?" Yan Xi asked, why didn't she notice?
"Your boss." Zhong Manyao was full of interest.

"You took so much pains to ask me out, is that your intention?" Yan Xi expressed doubts, unexpectedly Zhong Manyao was still thinking about President Gu.

"He's just passing by. But, is it true or not that he's had an affair recently?" Zhong Manyao asked, to be honest, she looked down on Song Yixue a little bit.

"Whether the scandal is true or not, you have no chance." Yan Xi smiled, President Gu has a sexual obsession, Zhong Manyao can only keep...feeling about President Gu.

"Is the scandal true? Or are you questioning my charm?" Zhong Manyao raised her eyebrows. A man like Gu Jinluo is very challenging.

"I didn't question your meaning at all, because I don't believe you will fall in love with him, Love forever." Yan Xi added an infinitely extended deadline.

"Please, I'm only 28 years old. If I say forever, I don't even believe it." Zhong Manyao felt incredible. What is forever?She could be dead in the next second.

Yan Xi had nothing to say.

"But then again, does he have masculinity? Must women be consistent?" Zhong Manyao asked. Some men in this country have a deep-rooted strange thinking, which she, as a native of country Y, cannot understand.

"No, he is cold and silent, but he is very personable and takes his relationship very seriously." Yan Xi said, at least that's what she thought.

"Is this the reason why you didn't do anything?" Zhong Manyao showed a clear expression, after all, it doesn't mean that Yan Xi takes feelings seriously.

"That's how I look in your eyes... just for sex? And I might as well tell you, he's not interested in me." Yan Xi said, President Gu couldn't even kiss her.

"Oh, I guessed that his vision would not be that bad." Zhong Manyao smiled.

Yan Xi's face turned dark. Although she was not considered a beauty, she didn't feel too bad about herself.

There was a man in front waving to Zhong Manyao. It was too noisy to hear what he was saying, but Zhong Manyao seemed to understand.

"Excuse me for a while, you can hunt as you like." Zhong Manyao smiled, and then followed the man.

(End of this chapter)

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