I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 392 Love Viewpoint 02

Chapter 392 Love Viewpoint 02
Yan Xi sat alone, and soon the opposite sex came over to strike up a conversation.

A handsome and stylishly dressed man sat next to Yan Xi and ordered two glasses of wine.

"Please." The man pushed one of the glasses of wine to Yan Xi.

"I don't drink." Yan Xi didn't accept it.

"What's in your hand?" The man looked at the wine glass in her hand.

"I'm used to ordering wine, not drinking." Yan Xi just swirled the wine glass.

"You're so interesting." The man smiled. He was just bored just now and wanted to chat with someone, but when he saw her alone, he came over to strike up a conversation with her.

Yan Xi didn't respond, you're really boring.

"Are you alone?" The man was a little lonely.

"No." With a cold male voice, a person appeared on the other side of Yan Xi and answered the question for her.

Yan Xi glanced at him, he doesn't seem like someone who likes to go to nightclubs, why is he here?

The man's face was shocked instantly, and he couldn't even speak fluently: "Gu, Mr. Gu..."

"Mr. Cui, what's the matter?" Gu Jinluo's eyes were sharp and his voice was cold.

"No, it's okay, I interrupted you." The man left immediately sensibly, and it turned out to be Gu Jinluo from Shengshi Group, he couldn't afford to offend.

Gu Jinluo looked at her with cold eyes, never expecting that she would come to this kind of place, she looks dignified and indifferent, but in fact she is as wanton and half-hearted as Mu Ge!

Yan Xi was very helpless, what kind of eyes did he have?
Before waiting for her explanation, Gu Jinluo was the first to break the silence: "Why are you here?"

"Mr. Gu, it's time to get off work, okay?" Yan Xi was extremely depressed, maybe President Gu likes her, but he can't accept her, so don't force it.

"Yanxi, do you want to sever ties with me?" Gu Jinluo asked seriously, she could call Mu Ge's name, she could call anyone's name, but she had never called him by his name.

"Mr. Gu, I have nothing to do with you, okay?" Yan Xi was very puzzled, she had nothing to do with her at all, how could he sever the relationship?

Gu Jinluo looked gloomy and kept looking at her.

Until the bartender put a glass of wine in front of Yan Xi and said, "The lady invited you."

Yan Xi looked over and saw Yi Shuihan dressed in neutral clothes.

"Excuse me, don't wait for me." Yan Xi said, then walked over.

Gu Jinluo looked over, she was just a young girl, is that girl an adult?Club No. [-] clearly stipulates that minors are rejected.

He didn't know Yan Xi's circle, and didn't know what friends she had.


Yan Xi looked at the cocktails on the bar: "Don't drink while driving."

Yi Shuihan didn't take it seriously, just glanced at Gu Jinluo who was not far away, and said, "Is it your man?"

"No." Yan Xi had a helpless expression on his face, President Gu, she couldn't afford it.

"Where's your boyfriend named Pei Lan?" Yi Shuihan remembered that a long time ago, Yan Xi was with a German named Pei Lan, and they looked very affectionate.

"I'm going to see God." Yan Xi's eyes were dark and his tone was light.

"Oh, what a pity. How did you go to see God?" Yi Shuihan was a little surprised, Germans are generally handsome and beautiful, and that German is simply the best among beautiful men.

Yan Xi didn't speak, she sent him to see God.

Yi Shuihan cast a look: "Is he really not your man?"

Yan Xi followed Yi Shuihan's eyes and saw Zhong Manyao trying to strike up a conversation with President Gu.


(End of this chapter)

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