I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 393 Love Viewpoint 03

Chapter 393 Love Viewpoint 03
Zhong Manyao wore long wavy hair and a cool black leather jacket. The V-neck lining looked very sexy, showing her beautiful collarbone slightly, and a charming smile bloomed on her face.

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Gu here." Zhong Manyao's voice was soft, and she looked at Gu Jinluo with burning eyes.

"Miss Zhong often comes here?" Gu Jinluo looked rather indifferent, he didn't like the woman's eyes very much.

"It's my first time here, and it was Yan Xifei who wanted to bring me here." Zhong Manyao looked impatient.

"Does Yan Xi come here often?" Gu Jinluo asked quietly.

"I don't know, but she seems to be very familiar with this place. I don't like to come to this kind of place at all, it's too noisy." Zhong Manyao frowned.

Gu Jinluo's eyes darkened. Club No. [-] is owned by the Duan family. Doesn't Mu Ge know that Yan Xi often comes here?
"Is Mr. Gu alone?" Zhong Manyao chatted, but there was no one around him, and she didn't order any wine.

"Yeah." If it's not necessary, he doesn't like to come to this kind of place.

"The music is too loud, it makes me dizzy, why don't we go out to chat, or have a cup of coffee." Zhong Manyao rubbed her forehead with her fingers, looking dizzy.

"Okay, I'll call Yan Xi." Gu Jinluo left.

Zhong Manyao's face darkened, did her charm decline, or is he really such a gentleman?She didn't believe that he couldn't get what she meant.

Gu Jinluo walked to Yan Xi's side and said, "Your friend Miss Zhong told you to leave."

Yan Xi looked over and saw Zhong Manyao's dark face, he had already guessed that she would fail.

Yan Xi said goodbye to Yi Shuihan, and then left with Gu Jinluo.

The three of them walked out of No. [-] Clubhouse. It was already late at night, and the wind suddenly blew up outside, making the autumn night a bit chilly.

Gu Jinluo said to Yan Xi, "I'll take you back."

Yan Xi didn't speak, just looked at Zhong Manyao.

"Goodbye." Zhong Manyao walked away very unhappy, did Yan Xi deliberately bully her?Gu Jinluo has no sexual interest in Yan Xi?Obviously very interesting!

Yan Xi was very depressed, she knew Zhong Manyao was upset.

"Why do you come to this kind of place so often?" Gu Jinluo was a little annoyed. He didn't think this kind of place was any fun. If she wanted to find a opposite sex, to put it harshly, she could already choose him or...Mu Ge, could it be that she Think the crap out there is better?
"It's my first time here." Yan Xi said, even if she came often, it was not his turn to question her.

"You don't need to hide it. Just now your friend Miss Zhong said that you come here often." Gu Jinluo said coldly, she always lied.

Yan Xi was speechless for a moment, and now she finally understood why Lan Muge hated Zhong Manyao so much and allowed her to use an indecent internet word to describe Zhong Manyao, a scheming whore.

"Don't go there again, the men there are very...casual, and most of them approach you with intentions." Gu Jinluo didn't intend to slander or despise others, and he wasn't conceited, he was just thinking about her safety.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi left, and it was really impossible to communicate with him.

"My car is in the parking lot. You can wait for me here, or follow me." Gu Jinluo walked beside her.

Yan Xi didn't want to talk to him, so he hailed a taxi.

"Yan Xi!" Gu Jinluo called out her name.

Yan Xi ignored him, got into the car, closed the door immediately, and let the driver drive.

Gu Jinluo was helpless, seeing the taxi drive into the driveway, he was very angry, but he couldn't help her!

(End of this chapter)

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