I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 394 Love Viewpoint 04

Chapter 394 Love Viewpoint 04
Tuesday morning.

Yan Xi went to work on time, and in the elevator, he met Qin Hao who had just arrived at work. He and Qin Hao usually didn't have much to talk about except work.

"Yan Xi, good morning." Qin Hao greeted him familiarly.

"Good morning. Did you play late last night?" Yan Xiduo asked.

"Hehe, it's not too early or too late, around eleven o'clock, how about you?" Qin Hao laughed a little guilty, did Yan Xi find out that he tipped off the news?

"Around nine o'clock. I'll be here. Goodbye." Upon reaching the floor of the administration department, Yan Xi stepped out of the elevator.

Qin Hao pressed the close button and went to the 29th floor.

The president went to work today, and I saw the president's special parking space in the parking lot and parked the president's car.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lan Muge came to Gu Jinluo's office and asked Tian Na to make him a cup of coffee.

"Are you reconciled with me?" Lan Muge drank coffee.

"I've never had a falling out with you." Gu Jinluo said, it was always Mu Ge who broke his scandal first and hit him first.

"Oh, you mean I'm too stingy?" Lan Muge looked displeased, and A Luo didn't show his face, and to put it bluntly, he was pretending to be magnanimous.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Gu Jinluo refused to answer.

"Well, Yan Xi told me before that she would resign, what will happen to you?" Lan Muge asked, if A Luo wanted to be near the water first, he naturally hoped that Yan Xi would resign as soon as possible.

"Are you still pursuing her? Are you prying my wall?" Gu Jinluo frowned.

"Yan Xi doesn't like you at all, and we don't have a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship with you, so it's not like prying on your wall at all. Why can't I pursue her?" Lan Muge asked back.

"You don't understand Yan Xi." Gu Jinluo said.

"I like playing games, riding horses, and many sports as much as she does. I understand each other's eating habits, I understand her personality, and she understands mine. I receive each other's words in a tacit understanding and understand each other I mean, I have read Byron's poems, etc. Actually, you don't know Yan Xi, you and Yan Xi have nothing in common, how do you usually get along with her, Mr. Gu? Secretary Yan?"

Lan Muge is very confident, Yan Xi has a cold personality, but has a warm heart, seriousness with a cold sense of humor, and A Luo can't joke at all, and he doesn't understand romance and humor.

Gu Jinluo's face darkened, and he admitted that sometimes he couldn't understand Yan Xi, and her living habits and hobbies were quite different from his, but these were not important, as they could get along with each other, and he could try to make do with it as much as possible. she.

However, he couldn't accept that Yan Xi often went to nightclubs, and even had ambiguity with other men.

"But, are you sure you can make it to the end with her?" Gu Jinluo asked, Mu Ge couldn't be sure who his final partner would be, perhaps Mu Ge hadn't played enough.

"I haven't pursued it before, who knows what the result will be." Lan Muge said, he has never looked forward and backward, since he likes it, then pursue it, no matter what the result is.

"If Yan Xi accepts me, I can say with certainty that she is my ending. But you can't, you are only interested in Yan Xi on a whim, sooner or later you will break up with her, and then look for another girlfriend, you have always been like this. "Gu Jinluo said that if Yan Xi accepts Mu Ge, no matter what happens to Mu Ge and Yan Xi, he will give up Yan Xi completely. However, this is what he does not want.

Lan Muge was silent for a moment, unexpectedly A Luo decided Yan Xi as the ending, why did A Luo decide Yan Xi?In addition, A Luo's parents will never like Yan Xi, the ending of A Luo and Yi Xue is the best proof.

"Are you in love with Yan Xi?" Lan Muge expressed doubts, A Luo was only responsible for Yan Xi because of an accident.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo also fell into silence. He didn't know how to fall in love with her. He liked Yixue back then, but it was just enough. Now he doesn't even like Yanxi at all. Her personality, habits and life, etc. , he doesn't like it all!However, he is willing to tolerate her.

"With someone you don't love, even if it won't be painful, you won't be happy either. Why force it? Even if I'm on a whim, so what, I like it, and she likes it, so it's over." Lan Muge got up and left. Yes, it's time to get off work, and he's going to find Yan Xi. She hasn't logged into the game recently, is it to avoid him?

(End of this chapter)

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