I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 395 Love Viewpoint 05

Chapter 395 Love Viewpoint 05
Lan Muge stood not far from the administrative department and sent a text message to Yan Xi.

"Young Master Lan." Qin Hao greeted Lan Muge politely when he got out of the elevator.

"En." Lan Muge responded, and continued to edit the information with his head bowed.

Qin Hao walked into the administration department and put several documents on Yan Xi's desk. Yan Xi needs to work overtime tonight. Is this the first step of the CEO's plan to prevent Yan Xi from going to the nightclub?
After explaining the work tasks, Qin Hao walked out of the administration department, and saw Lan Muge was still holding his phone with his head down and kept pressing.

Qin Hao stopped saying hello, got into the elevator and left.

Seeing Yan Xi's reply, Lan Muge's expression changed, working overtime?

Is this what Arlo means?
Lan Muge went up to the 29th floor and returned to Gu Jinluo's office.

Seeing Lan Muge back, Gu Jinluo was not surprised at all, he had already guessed it.

"Is it interesting for you to do this?" Lan Muge wanted to beat Gu Jinluo again.

"Each person depends on his ability, doesn't he?" Gu Jinluo's expression remained unchanged.

"Okay, I'll wait for the day she resigns." Lan Muge sat on the sofa, he decided to work overtime with A Luo, he had plenty of time.

Seeing this, Gu Jinluo was in a bad mood. He wanted to ask Mu Ge if it was interesting to do this, but he had already said just now that it depends on its own ability.


The staff in the administration department gradually got off work, and at 06:30, Yan Xi and Kong Ru were left in the huge office.

"Secretary Yan, why aren't you off work?" Kong Ru was waiting for her boyfriend, she had nothing to do, walked to Yan Xi's office, and saw that Yan Xi seemed very busy.

"There are some urgent documents that need to be processed." Yan Xi's ten fingers were flying on the keyboard, even though she knew it was not an urgent document.

"Why didn't you ask Tina to finish it with you?" Kong Ru asked, Tian Na is also the president's secretary.

"The boss didn't tell Secretary Tian." Yan Xi said, the boss was just making things difficult for her.

"Oh, Tina will resign in less than a month. Without Tina competing with you, you can sit firmly as the president's secretary." Kong Ru's tone was a bit sour. much higher.

Yan Xi didn't explain, time will tell, she also left soon.

Kong Ru's cell phone rang, she answered the call immediately, and said in an unhappy tone: "When will you arrive? I have been waiting for you for more than half an hour, do you have a sense of time? It happens every time, have you considered Let me wait every time..."

Kong Ru talked for more than a minute, and didn't stop until she was tired, waiting for the other party to explain.

However, the other party has been silent.

"Hey! Did you hear what I said?" Kong Ru was completely angry.

"I've been listening. As I said before, I can't make it at 06:30, and I can't make it now." The man's voice was hoarse.

"What do you mean?" Kong Ru's delicate face was instantly filled with anger.

"Xiao Ru, let's...break up." The man said calmly.

"What did you say?" Kong Ru couldn't believe what he heard, was he going to dump her?

"Let's break up, we are not suitable." The man's tone was firm.

"Why? Why? Why!" Kong Ru's tears flowed down unconsciously.

"I am not good enough for you. I will never be able to meet your requirements. I don't understand romance and sentimentality. I just want to find an ordinary woman. I'm sorry." The man's voice was full of apology and reluctance.

(End of this chapter)

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