I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 396 Love Viewpoint 06

Chapter 396 Love Viewpoint 06
"Why! Am I not ordinary? How did I ask you? I just hope that you will become better and better. Is there something wrong with me?!"

"You are not wrong, it is me who is wrong. You always say how extraordinary your boss is, how deep love is, how personable, how vigorous and resolute. I'm sorry, I don't have such background and ability, I don't have money and power to favor A woman. I am not a rich second generation, nor a high-achieving student at Harvard. I will not be able to reach the height of your boss if I work hard all my life. I dare not let you wait, because I don’t know if I can succeed. My parents need me to support, my brother Studying also needs money. I am very busy with work, so I can’t come to you at the time you stipulated, and I can’t always accompany you. It’s because I don’t have the ability to love you, I’m sorry..."

"Enough! You are enough!" Kong Ru hissed.

"I'm sorry..." This is all the man can say.

"What's the use of your apology! What's the use of it!" Kong Ru cried bitterly.

The man can only remain silent.

what!Kong Ru let out a growl, and slammed the phone out.

There was a snap. Fortunately, the phone was protected by a phone case, and it didn't seem to be broken.

Kong Ru burst into tears without any image, since there was no one in the office anyway, she seemed to have forgotten that there was Yan Xi behind.

Yan Xi was very embarrassed, finally got up and walked out of the office, took out a tissue and handed it over.

"Woo, woo..." Kong Ru took the tissue and wiped away her tears indiscriminately.

Yan Xigan stood there, took another tissue and handed it over, because she didn't know what to do other than handing the tissue, and she couldn't say words of comfort.

After crying for about 10 minutes, Kong Ru was also tired from crying, so she could only sob softly.

Yan Xi was embarrassed for a long time, silently picked up the phone, and then put the phone into Kong Ru's pocket.

"I'm broken in love, I want to eat ice cream." Kong Ru said sobbing.

"Then you go quickly." Yan Xi said, many women like to eat when they are in love, it is said that it can relieve their emotions.

"Come with me." Kong Ru glanced at Yan Xi, there was no one to accompany her now, although she didn't like Yan Xi, she didn't dislike him too much.

At this time, Yan Xi didn't know how to refuse, so he could only agree.

He turned off the computer directly, and left with Kong Ru to eat ice cream at the dessert house in the opposite department store.

The atmosphere of the dessert house is very romantic, and many couples come here to eat ice cream.

Seeing this, Kong Ru was even more sad, ordered three servings of ice cream in one go, and kept eating with a spoon.

Yan Xi ordered a mango pudding and ate it slowly.

"Why did he dump me? I don't even think that his family is poor. I don't blame him for having no car, no house, no money, but he never considers my feelings. I am a woman, and I need care and love. He doesn't Qian married me and kept me waiting for him, my youth can't wait for a few years..." Kong Ru complained while eating ice cream.

Yan Xi really didn't know what to say, so he kept listening.

"Speak up, am I not pretty? Am I not good-natured?" Kong Ru stared at Yan Xi with red eyes, but didn't even try to comfort her.

"You are very beautiful, and you have a good personality." Yan Xi said quickly, Kong Ru is indeed beautiful, as for her personality, she will not comment.

"Hmph, he dumped me, he will definitely regret it later!" Kong Ru bit the ice cream hard, the frozen ice cream made her teeth tremble.

When Kong Ru said something, Yan Xi agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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