I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 397 Love Viewpoint 07

Chapter 397 Love Viewpoint 07
Kong Ru finished three servings of ice cream, and asked Yan Xi to accompany her upstairs to have a self-service barbecue.

This Hongdao barbecue restaurant is a bit more expensive, but it has a wide variety of food and good taste.

Kong Ru took several plates full of food, and continued to complain while grilling the food.

Yan Xi didn't go to get the food, because the table was already full of food, and she absolutely didn't believe that Kong Ru could finish it.

The phone rang, and Yan Xi answered the call: "What's the matter?"

"Where are you?" Gu Jinluo has been in the office, stalemate with Lan Muge until 07:30, and finally went to the administration department to look for her, but the administration department has closed the lights.

"I have something to leave. I'm having dinner now. Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up, not wanting to talk nonsense with his boss.

Gu Jinluo held the phone tightly, did she skip work like this?Let him wait for her for so long in vain!Even if she leaves first, she can tell him first!
Lan Muge's complexion was not much better: "You can do it, so what if she is asked to work overtime, she still leaves work as usual, harming others and not benefiting herself!"

"If you didn't insist on pestering her, would I let her work overtime?" Gu Jinluo said coldly, he didn't want Yan Xi to work overtime, but she asked for it, why did she keep rejecting him!

"I'm dating her, why do you stop me?" Lan Muge felt ridiculous, he never knew that A Luo was so...unreasonable!
"Since I'm pursuing her, didn't you come all the way to my company to stop me?" Gu Jinluo was a little angry. If this person wasn't Mu Ge, he would have thrown this person out a long time ago!
Lan Muge snorted coldly and left.


Red Island Grill.

When the waiter was clearing away the empty plates, he glanced at Yan Xi and Kong Ru several times. Are these two women big eaters?Can you finish this much food?
Seeing Yan Xi sitting still, Kong Ru said angrily, "You eat! Why are you watching me eat!"

Yan Xi picked up the chopsticks and ate them slowly. After eating a few pieces of these greasy meats, he couldn't eat anymore, so he went to get a cup of sour plum juice to help digestion.

Kong Ru ate three servings of ice cream just now, and now she can't eat any more: "I'll bake it for you, eat it quickly!"

"You don't need to bake for me, I'm full." Yan Xi drank sour plum juice.

"Why do you eat so little?" Kong Ru directly put the cooked food on Yan Xi's dinner plate.

Yan Xi was speechless, why did she eat so little?Please, this food is all yours.

The two ate for another half an hour, and their stomachs were full, so they couldn't continue eating.

Seeing that there was still a lot of food, Kong Ru felt a little nervous. It was a wrong decision to choose to eat buffet barbecue just now. If you can't finish eating, you can't take it away, and you have to pay extra.

"Hurry up and eat, you eat so little." Kong Ru was a little lacking in confidence, Yan Xi was so tall, how could he eat so little.

"It's fine if you can't eat, just pay the bill." Yan Xi didn't want to waste food, but there was no way.

"No, there is so much food left, you have to pay a lot of extra money, or you can invite a friend to eat, at worst I'll treat you." Kong Ru said, Yan Xi paid for the ice cream just now, and she paid for this meal.

"It's okay, I'll treat you." Yan Xi said.

"No, you can call a friend to eat, it's better to call a fat man!" Kong Ru said, the fat man should be able to finish eating.

Yan Xi had a gloomy look on his face. She was a foodie, so she first thought of Hua Cuo, so she called Hua Cuo.


(End of this chapter)

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