I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 410 Cohabitation Life 10

Chapter 410 Cohabitation Life 10
Today is a crisp autumn day, and it is the weekend again. Many high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen come to play golf at Nanshan Golf Course.

Lan Muge invited Gu Jinluo to play golf, but he couldn't get Yan Xi. He suspected that A Luo had made an appointment with Yan Xi, but today A Luo came, which proved that A Luo couldn't get Yan Xi either.

Lan Muge felt a little more balanced, at least he played games with Yan Xi yesterday.

"I heard that your mother is here." Lan Muge only found out this morning that A Luo's mother had invited the noble ladies in the city to socialize, and his mother had also received the invitation, but his mother and Bai Shaohua had never gotten along.

"Received the news so soon?" Gu Jinluo adjusted the strength of his swing.

"My mother said, why did your mother come back?" Lan Muge glanced at him, could it be because of the scandal between A Luo and Yixue?
"It's nothing." Gu Jinluo didn't want to say more.

"I don't know if Yan Xi will become the next Yixue?" Lan Muge was thoughtful, of course he didn't think so, because he felt that Yan Xi had capital and confidence.

"Why do you always compare Yixue with Yanxi?" Gu Jinluo frowned. He always only liked Yixue and had no other thoughts.

"Because history is always surprisingly similar." Lan Muge said, he didn't know that A Luo and Yixue were together, so he pursued Yixue.

"History will not repeat itself." Gu Jinluo's tone was firm, Yan Xi and Yi Xue were two completely different people, there was no similarity in their living habits or behavior.

"Of course, because I won't quit this time." Lan Muge swung the cue, and the little white ball fell into the hole with a perfect arc.

Gu Jinluo clenched the cue a little bit, swung the cue and hit a small white ball.

The little white ball flew out and landed on the edge of the hole, then jumped up and rolled to nowhere.

"Your golf skills seem to be getting worse and worse, do you need to change a pair of glasses?" Lan Muge seemed to suggest kindly that A Luo didn't play games, and he didn't often face the computer screen, so he became short-sighted.

Gu Jinluo's face darkened, and he lost the mood to play basketball in an instant.

"I don't know what Yan Xi is doing now, why don't we guess, you guess first." Lan Muge looked at the time on his watch, it was 10:30 in the morning.

"I'm not interested in guessing." Gu Jinluo continued to play because he had no clue and couldn't guess at all.

"I guess she is playing games, or starting to prepare lunch, or resting at home." Lan Muge said that almost every time she asked her out on weekends, she said she wanted to rest on weekends.

"That's why you're so sure she's at home?" Gu Jinluo asked, Mu Ge didn't understand Yan Xi at all, she might be even more half-hearted than Mu Ge.

"She said that she doesn't like shopping, and she probably won't go shopping alone. I don't know if she likes watching movies, and she probably won't go to movies alone. She lives alone, or goes to the supermarket to buy daily necessities on weekends. "Lan Muge thought of as many possibilities as possible.

Gu Jinluo snorted coldly in his heart, Mu Ge imagined Yan Xi too beautifully.

Lan Muge took out her mobile phone and dialed, and was connected after a while: "Yanxi, good morning."

"Good morning."

"Where are you? Your side seems to be a bit noisy." Lan Muge is very quiet here, and can vaguely hear the other party's noise.

"I'm at the vegetable market."

"Do you want to buy vegetables and cook?" Lan Muge was surprised.


"What kind of food?" Lan Muge chatted with her enthusiastically.

"Sparse ribs, potatoes, vegetables, fish, chicken." Yan Xi looked at Hua Cuo who was shopping for vegetables, but she didn't know what kind of chicken or fish it was.

(End of this chapter)

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