I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 411 Cohabitation Life 11

Chapter 411 Cohabitation Life 11
"Do you cook Chinese food? Can you finish eating so many dishes?" Lan Muge asked in surprise. These ingredients are not easy to handle. I didn't expect her cooking skills to be so good.

"By the way, buy some food for dinner."

"In this way, I can actually cook Chinese food. I wonder if there is a chance to discuss cooking with you?" Lan Muge asked with a smile. Before, she thought that she would cook by herself when she invited him to dinner, but there has been no more. Today is a good day. Chance.

"No." Yan Xi said without hesitation, she didn't want to discuss cooking with anyone.

"Why?" Lan Muge asked pretending to be sad.

"My culinary skills will not be passed on to the outside world." Yan Xi said, as for his culinary skills, she can't learn them, so there's no need to discuss them.

"Hehe." Lan Muge couldn't help laughing, thinking she was just joking.

Gu Jinluo's face was gloomy. Why did Mu Ge chat with her so happily?She can buy vegetables and cook?Does she really want to be a housewife?Her cooking skills are terrible, is she trying to make up for it?
After hanging up the line, Lan Muge proudly raised the phone: "Do you dare to call her now?"

"Boring." Gu Jinluo showed disdain, what does Mu Ge have to show off!
"Then play ball." Lan Muge put away the phone.

Gu Jinluo put away the cue and left without saying a word.

There was a strange look in Lan Muge's eyes, A Luo, who has always been quiet, was angry?Does A Luo really care about Yan Xi so much?


Gu Jinluo went to the parking lot, got into the driver's seat and was about to drive home, but thinking about what Mu Ge said just now, he hesitated.

After thinking for a moment, he took out his phone and dialed her number.

When the phone was connected, Gu Jinluo said in a blunt tone: "Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Where are you? There seems to be some noise over there." Gu Jinluo was in a complicated mood. He copied Mu Ge's conversation with her just now.

"What's matter?"

"..." Gu Jinluo couldn't answer, why did she answer differently?The words he copied were instantly useless!

"Hello? Are you still there?"

"Yes. Where are you?" Gu Jinluo asked again.

"What's the matter with you? If it's okay, I'm going to hang up."

"Answer my question." Gu Jinluo gripped the phone tightly. Why did she tell Mu Ge but not him?
After waiting for a few seconds, she hung up the line. Gu Jinluo almost crushed the phone. She can chat and laugh with Mu Ge, talk and laugh with Lu Li, and even dance with trash like Han Ziming. Why? Just reject him?

Gu Jinluo returned home distraught.

Walking into the front hall, I saw his mother and Han Mengli chatting in the living room.

"Mom, Miss Han." Gu Jinluo greeted.

"I'm back, I left Mengli to have lunch together, you go up and change your clothes, and then come down to eat." Bai Shaohua looked at his son, a little dissatisfied with his son's unfamiliar address to Mengli.

"Yes." Gu Jinluo went upstairs.

Han Mengli's expression was gloomy, no matter how much her aunt liked her, Jin Luo didn't mean that to her at all, but she was not willing to lose to Yan Xi and Song Yixue.

Bai Shaohua continued to chat with Han Mengli, but after waiting for a long time, his son did not come down, so he asked the servant.

"Mr. cooks in the kitchen himself." The servant said, and Mr. Occasionally cooks by himself.

"Jin Luo used to learn cooking skills from the cook at home, and he learned a little bit, and he could barely eat it. Don't dislike Mengli later." Bai Shaohua smiled, unexpectedly, his son would suddenly cook in person.

"Why would I dislike it? It's very rare to be able to taste the dishes cooked by Jin Luo. It must be because of your return, Auntie." Han Mengli was a little surprised. As the heir of the Hundred Billion Group, he doesn't need to cook by himself at all. Maybe this matter is insignificant. But enough to make her fall in love even more.

Han Mengli's words reached Bai Shaohua's heart.


(End of this chapter)

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