I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 417 Cohabitation Life 17

Chapter 417 Cohabitation Life 17
When it was time to get off work, Hua Cuo went to the administration department to look for Yan Xi.

Seeing the wrong flowers outside, Kong Ru called out, "Yan Xi, your boyfriend is looking for you."

Yan Xi answered neither, nor should he, and finally hummed.

"Yan Xi, your boyfriend is very handsome, how long have you been dating?" Zhen Ni teased.

"I'll be off work soon, bye." Yan Xi quickly turned off the computer, not wanting to say a word.

"Goodbye." Zhen Ni forced a smile, but her heart was full of resentment, and Yan Xi was clearly trying to put her off!
Yan Xi walked out of the administration department and took a wrong look at Hua.

"You don't have to come up to me in the future. I'll wait for you in the parking lot, or you'll wait for me in the parking lot. Call me if you need anything." Although she didn't care, she didn't want to let others misunderstand her further.

"That's fine too." Hua pressed the elevator by mistake.

The two took the elevator to the underground parking lot on the second floor.

Huacuo would park his car on the second floor every time, because Gu Jinluo's car was parked on the second floor, so as to avoid meeting each other, he didn't want Gu Jinluo to see Yan Xi.

After getting in the car, Hua Cuo said, "Are you busy at work recently?"

Yan Xi was playing with his mobile phone, and replied, "It's okay."

Hua Cuo was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Yan Xi, what kind of opposite sex do you like?"

"Why do you ask that?" Yan Xi was careless, playing with his phone all the time.

"Because you're not in love, and you haven't shown that you have a crush on any opposite sex, I'm curious what kind of man you like." Hua Cuo said, he always thought she liked Yin Zimo, and Yin Zimo had shown obvious pursuit, but the words Xi was indifferent.

"Why do you care so much about my... major life event?" Yan Xi felt strange, let's consider it a major life event, Hua Cuo had asked her similar questions before.

"No, I just want to know what kind of man you like." He can play for a while.

"I don't know either." Yan Xi thought for a while, she had always liked Zimo, and then she liked Pei Lan, who was considered a formal lover, and now she still likes Lan Muge a little bit.

The three men are completely different, so she doesn't know what kind of man she likes.

"So, what is your criteria for choosing a mate?" Hua Cuo asked again, sometimes it is really hard to predict who she will like in the future.

Yan Xi never thought about this issue, because she didn't choose a mate.

After Hua Cuo and Yan Xi went to the market to buy vegetables, they returned to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

Zhou Hong just came out to inspect and saw the two of them, so he went over to chat for a while, recently there were no white roses to send, and Yan Xi also made a good-looking boyfriend.

"Yan Xi, this is your boyfriend?" Zhou Hong took a few wrong glances. Yan Xi said before that this man was just a colleague, but the day before yesterday he saw Yan Xi and this man going out together from a distance, and now they came back from shopping together .

"Uncle Zhou, have you had dinner yet?" Yan Xi changed the subject. If he denies it, Hua Cuo is already living at her house, which is hard to explain. If he admits it, Hua Cuo will leave in a few days. It will be hard to explain in the future.

Zhou Hong could see that Yan Xi didn't want to talk about it, thinking that she was just shy, and living together as unmarried is not a big deal now, after all young people nowadays are like this, and they get married very late.

"I just ate. Now I'm on duty. I'm leaving first." Zhou Hong smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

"Goodbye, Uncle Zhou." Yan Xi left.

"Goodbye, Uncle Zhou." Hua Cuo also said.

"Hehe, goodbye." Zhou Hong smiled again, this man is quite polite, and he is a good match with Yan Xi.


(End of this chapter)

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