I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 418 Cohabitation Life 18

Chapter 418 Cohabitation Life 18
In recent days, Ye Piaopiao has thought about many marriage issues.

It is a matter of course for a woman to marry into the man's family, and she is very happy.

Why is it humiliating and humiliating for a man to marry into a woman's house?
What about equality between men and women?

She will not marry, only marry.

Only in the feudal society was there the saying of marriage. Women married men like accessories and went to the man's family.

In modern society, there is the saying of marriage, get married, marry up, marriage is the conclusion of two parties, forming a family, and being equal to each other.

Please don't ask me to marry you, if you propose to me, please say: Marry me.

Legally, there is only a marriage certificate, not a marriage certificate.

Ye Piaopiao is re-planning her life. She has started to think about getting married, but not now, at least one year later.

Why get married?
What are your views and requirements on marriage?
Can marriage bring her a sense of happiness, can it bring her a higher sense of accomplishment?

How likely is divorce?

Where does she go after the divorce?
She had to think clearly about a series of questions like this.

The reason for delaying marriage is not that marriage is not important, on the contrary, marriage is too important.

Because the price of marriage is too high, whether it is the man or the woman, if they put in too much energy and time without getting anything in return, it is likely to lead to divorce.

She is not afraid of divorce, and divorce does not mean that the marriage has failed.

The reason for the failure of marriage is: After the divorce, they tear each other's faces, just like enemies, and the love and marriage once became a joke.That's what scares her.

Therefore, since you are married, you must manage your marriage with care.

Even if you get divorced, you should get together and leave well. Goodbye is still a friend.

"Sunday morning, I'm going to meet Qin Hao's parents." Ye Piaopiao had already made up her mind, temporarily making Qin Hao her marriage partner.

"Congratulations, cousin." Zhuang Xiaoxia looked surprised, her cousin was already 28 years old, and those three aunts and six wives were asking her when she was getting married every day.

"Don't congratulate me so early, I haven't decided to get married yet, I'm just thinking about it." Ye Piaopiao said, meeting his parents first, so that she could have a clear idea.

Zhuang Xiaoxia has been a little troubled recently. Although she has no intention of dating, she is already 23 years old. When her cousin was 23 years old, she had already easily obtained an office position in a big company.

In fact, it cannot be said that the cousin is easy, no one sees the dedication and hard work behind the cousin's ease.

"Yan Xi, how old are you?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked, Yan Xi never seemed to be troubled by age.

"25." Yan Xi said, there are about two months left before her 25th birthday.

"Are you going to stay single forever?" Zhuang Xiaoxia was worried.

"I don't know." Yan Xi doesn't care, in her opinion, it doesn't matter whether she is single or twin, as long as it suits her.

"Whether it's marriage, dating, or single, it's just a state of life, not the whole of life, and there's no need to cater to the public." Ye Piaopiao said, she was very disgusted with the urging of seven aunts and eight aunts to marry.

"But I've always been alone, and I always have a sense of loneliness." Zhuang Xiaoxia was very conflicted. She was always lonely and insecure. How scary.

"There is a saying that is either vulgar or lonely." Ye Piaopiao didn't explain, her cousin was still young and wouldn't understand.

Misfits, single people, are not alone.

In fact, some gregarious people are really lonely. They are lonely in their hearts and need love, parties, and gregariousness to fill their empty hearts.These people, often after the show, are left with loneliness and loneliness.

The world is too noisy, loneliness is a kind of enjoyment, it is a kind of inner fullness and strength.

People who love each other can go hand in hand.

A person can also travel all over the world, shining brightly.


(End of this chapter)

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