I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 420 Cohabitation Life 20

Chapter 420 Cohabitation Life 20
"Miss Yan, doesn't she like to drink clear water? Why don't you drink it?" Bai Shaohua glanced at the glass of crystal clear water.

"I'm not thirsty yet." Yan Xi was very patient, but please get straight to the point as soon as possible, she doesn't want to waste time.

"I heard that Miss Yan has a very close relationship with the young master of the Lan family." Bai Shaohua said, she didn't care what happened to this woman and the boy of the Lan family, but her son couldn't.

"Ordinary friends." Yan Xi said.

"Then, what about Miss Yan and Jin Luo?" Bai Shaohua's tone became cold.

"If Ms. Bai thinks there is something wrong with the relationship between the boss and the subordinate, you can ask Mr. Gu." Yan Xi was still polite.

Bai Shaohua's eyes were sharp and sharp, and he had the guts to throw the question back to her. Did this woman believe that Jin Luo would protect her?
Yan Xi looked at her frankly, after all, she did not violate the rules with President Gu.

"Make an offer and leave my son forever." Bai Shaohua said, she absolutely could not accept such a dubious woman as the daughter-in-law of the Gu family.

"Ms. Bai, Mr. Gu is priceless, so I'm sorry I can't agree. Besides, I've never been with Mr. Gu, so there's no question of whether to leave." Yan Xi explained seriously.

"You don't need to show off and cover up in front of me. I don't care if you have been with my son or not, I just want you to leave my son forever. How much money do you want, or what are your demands?" This is Bai Shaohua's Purpose, she does not allow her son to like this kind of woman.

"I appreciate Ms. Bai's kindness. I don't need your money, and I don't have any demands." Yan Xi said, speaking in a conceited way, this Ms. Bai couldn't fulfill her request.

"What exactly do you want?" Bai Shaohua didn't expect that this woman was so difficult to deal with, she really had some tricks.

"I didn't think about it." Yan Xi said, what motive could she have for President Gu?
"My Gu family will never accept a daughter-in-law like you." Bai Shaohua looked at Yan Xi contemptuously.

"I understand." Yan Xi said, she has always been self-aware.

A trace of suspicion flashed across Bai Shaohua's eyes. Could it be that this woman wanted to become an invisible third party? She did not allow a third party to intervene in her son's marriage.

"The hostess of the Lan family seems to like you very much. You can choose the young master of the Lan family and pester my son needlessly, or you will be empty-handed."

"Thank you for your reminder, I won't pester Mr. Gu again." Yan Xi said, so what if you follow your wishes.

Hearing this, Bai Shaohua's expression softened a little, and he said, "Now, as the financial director of Shengshi Group, I will relieve you from your post."

Yan Xi nodded and said, "I accept."

Hearing Yan Xi's compromise, Bai Shaohua glanced at the female assistant.

The female assistant took out a boxy and exquisite box, opened the box, and found a sapphire necklace lying inside. The color of the sapphire is extremely magnificent and transparent, which is extremely eye-catching.

Yan Xi glanced at it, she didn't know how to appreciate jewellery, but the jewels presented by this lady Bai must be of great value.

"Kashmir Sapphire, don't refuse." Bai Shaohua closed the lid of the box and pushed the box in front of Yan Xi.

"If I accept it and can dispel your suspicion, then I accept it, thank you." Yan Xi took the box, got up and left.

Bai Shaohua sneered in her heart, she thought this woman was just as stubborn as Song Yixue back then, she was looking forward to Duan Yingfei having such a daughter-in-law.


(End of this chapter)

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