I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 421 Yan Xi Resigns 01

Chapter 421 Yan Xi Resigns 01
When Yan Xi walked out of the coffee shop, the noon sun was a little fierce.

Now that she has been fired, she doesn't need to go back to the company, and there is nothing to go back to the company to clean up.

Yan Xi went to the road ahead to intercept the taxi.

"Please, please, please..." An old man in ragged clothes, with pain in his eyes, handed over a plastic basin.

Yan Xi glanced at it, usually she would never give a helping hand, but now, the thing in her hand has been held all the time and there is no place to put it, so she put it in.

Although the old man didn't know what it was, he also said thank you and continued to beg along the road.

The old man was tired from walking, so he sat on the steps by the side of the road, folded a few RMB with low denominations one by one, and put them into the pockets of the interlayer of clothes.

The box was clean and beautiful. When the old man opened the box, the things inside reflected blue and white fragments in the sunlight. Even though his eyesight was not good, he still thought it was beautiful.

When I picked it up, I realized it was a necklace.

The old man suddenly felt sad. He also gave a necklace to his wife when he was young, but he had sold the necklace a few years ago.

The old man wanted to give the necklace to his wife. After a serious look, the workmanship of the necklace alone should be worth several hundred yuan.

If the necklace is worth a few hundred yuan, I can sell the necklace and buy some medicine for my wife.

The old man thought about it, found a jewelry store, and thought about going in and asking.

"Get out, get out, don't come in!" The security guard of the jewelry store thought the old man was coming in to beg, so he chased him away angrily.

"I just want to ask how much this necklace is worth." The old man took out the necklace and said sincerely.

"Go out, don't ask anymore." The security guard stopped the old man, asking what a beggar's necklace is worth.

The old man left disappointed.

"Wait a minute, old man, can you show me the necklace?" A young man in a suit and leather shoes stopped, looking at the necklace held by the old man's wrinkled and stained hands.

"This, yes." The old man handed over the necklace.

The man took the necklace and looked at it. Even if it was a fake, it was very realistic, even the designer's name was copied.

The man looked at the security guard and said, "Can this old man go in?"

"Yes, yes, of course." The security guard's attitude instantly became respectful. Mr. Fan is a well-known jewelry designer in China and has a long-term cooperative relationship with the company.

Mr. Fan invited the old man into the jewelry store, and asked someone to entertain the old man, and then he went in to appraise the necklace.

The old man was a little uncomfortable. After sitting for about 10 minutes, Mr. Fan finally came out.

"Old man, where did you get this necklace?" Mr. Fan asked solemnly.

"This, I got it back from begging..." The old man repeated the matter.

Seeing that the old man did not seem to be lying, Mr. Fan told the truth: "Old man, this necklace is the work of MK, a famous jewelry designer in country Y. It is a pure natural Kashmir sapphire with a market value of at least 300 million."

The old man was stunned, thinking he had heard wrong.

300?The security guard was shocked. This necklace is worth 300 million?He may have saved less than 300 million as a security guard all his life, and now a beggar has a better future than him?
However, the security guard instantly thought of a way to make money, so he took out his mobile phone and quietly dialed the reporting hotline.

If the report is successful, there will be a report fee of [-] yuan.

Two hundred yuan is also money.

Within three or ten minutes, the reporter rushed to the jewelry store immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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