I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 428 Yan Xi Resigns 08

Chapter 428 Yan Xi Resigns 08
It's nine o'clock in the morning and the sun is shining brightly.

"Do you have anything to say?" Yan Xi looked at him, doesn't he have to go to work today?

"Can we talk while walking?" Gu Jinluo asked.

"Yes." Yan Xi didn't care.

The two strolled into the small park in the community, which was not considered a park, but a small yard surrounded by trees. Because no one took care of it, it was overgrown with weeds, a bit dilapidated and depressed.

"First of all, I apologize for my mother's behavior yesterday." Gu Jinluo apologized solemnly.

"You don't need to apologize. I understand your mother's behavior very well. My mother had a similar behavior before. At that time, my father wanted to hit someone. Your mother is very polite to me. You don't need to apologize." Yan Xi said.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo didn't know what to say for a while, was she generous or didn't care?In fact, he would rather she be angry about it.

"My mother just doesn't understand you, she's a bit arrogant, stubborn, and prejudiced..."

"You don't need to explain. If you just came here because of what happened yesterday, there's really no need." Yan Xi interrupted, what happened to his mother has nothing to do with her, she's not interested in knowing.

"Yan Xi, if I pursue you, will you accept it? Don't refuse yet, please put forward your request for a boyfriend, or even a husband." Gu Jinluo looked at her seriously, he believed that he could do it.

"If I refuse directly, you won't accept it. Then let me tell you, I don't know what specific requirements I have for my boyfriend. There are a few very superficial and vulgar requirements. He must be a man of suitable age, with good looks It can be seen that men are functionally sound, physically healthy, and of good character." Yan Xi said, actually meeting these requirements is somewhat difficult.

"Could it be that you think I lack a certain function? Or do you think my character is extremely bad?" Gu Jinluo's face was gloomy. He could conceitedly think that he was excellent in all aspects.

The corners of Yan Xi's lips twitched. She hadn't tested CEO Gu's function, but believed that he was functioning normally, and his appearance and character were obvious to all.

"Of course not. Maybe I still have a hard requirement, that we don't have any intention of getting married." Yan Xi felt it was weird, and even discussed marriage with President Gu.

"Why don't you get married?" Gu Jinluo couldn't understand what caused her not to get married.

"Why should I get married?" Yan Xi asked back.

"The age is suitable, the mind is mature, and you have enough ability to choose a lover. You need marriage to obtain joy and complete the inheritance of life." Gu Jinluo said that he had no intention of getting married before, but now he gradually has.

"This is the reason why you need to get married, not me." Yan Xi said, she didn't have enough ability to choose a lover, she couldn't complete the inheritance of life.

Gu Jinluo's momentary silence was indeed only his reason, and there was another very important reason, Yan Xi gave him the idea of ​​getting married.

"Since you have no reason to get married, what is your reason for not getting married?"

"There is no need for a reason. We have been unmarried from the moment we were born." Yan Xi did not reject marriage, but had no reason to marry.

"Marriage is not necessary in life, but marriage can make life more complete, why not try?" Gu Jinluo suddenly felt that the reason she rejected him was that she did not want to get married.

(End of this chapter)

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