I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 429 Yan Xi Resigns 09

Chapter 429 Yan Xi Resigns 09
"It's not that I don't try, but now is not the time. I will never get married in the next five years. I have more important things to fill my life, which conflicts with marriage." Yan Xi said, everyone has their own mission, the value of existence.

"Can you tell me what it is? We can solve it together." Gu Jinluo already felt that she was not as simple as she appeared on the surface, and that she had something to hide.

"Why do you always associate me with you? I am not related to you, so you don't need to help me." Yan Xi said.

"I'm pursuing you. I'm a couple with you. I'm willing to help you. You can rely on me appropriately." As a man, Gu Jinluo has the ability to be her reliance. She doesn't need to be so strong and repulsive. thousands of miles away.

"Why do you let me rely on you?" Yan Xi felt very strange, why did she rely on him?It's not that she is weak and incompetent. Could it be that in his eyes, her life is very bad?Indeed, if you compare the standard of living with him, he is a nobleman and she is a commoner.

"I allow you to rely on me, what's wrong?" Gu Jinluo looked at her indifferently in puzzlement, his ability is the capital to pursue her, his character and appearance, and even his family background are enough to prove his Excellent, he is capable enough to help her solve the problem, what's wrong with him?
Yan Xi was silent for a moment, and finally said: "You are right, I am wrong. In fact, I am very proud in my heart, but standing in front of you, I am not worthy of you, I can't compete with you. ordinary……"

"You know I won't mind!" Gu Jinluo interrupted her, otherwise he wouldn't put down his posture again and again to find her.

"I mind." Yan Xi said immediately.

"Why do you care?" Gu Jinluo was still puzzled, what exactly did she care about?
"I can't imagine living with you. If I have a noble and extraordinary background, a strong family background, countless power and money, extraordinary talents, outstanding appearance, etc., and you have nothing, then you can cling to me And survive?" Yan Xi made a hypothesis.

"Of course not!" Gu Jinluo said without hesitation, how could he allow himself to have nothing?How could he depend on her to survive?
"Why not?" Yan Xi continued to ask.

"This is the dignity of a man, my self-esteem, I must be diligent and hardworking." Gu Jinluo looked determined. He received an elite education since he was a child, which is the belief and spirit passed down by his family.

"So, do I not have the dignity of a woman? Do I have no self-esteem? Do I not need to be diligent and hardworking?" Yan Xi asked lightly.

Gu Jinluo was speechless for a moment, staring blankly at her calm and resolute face, at this moment he couldn't understand her at all.

Yan Xi looked calm, she had her pride, she couldn't live under Gu Jinluo's protection, she couldn't be comfortable and do nothing, she couldn't give up her dignity and mission.

"Yanxi, I'm sorry, I didn't discriminate against women, and I didn't trample on your self-esteem. I just think that men in this society should take more responsibility, not because women are weak, but because women have taken on an irreplaceable role for human beings. a vital responsibility: procreation.”

"Women have sacrificed immeasurable time, energy, career, etc. for the sake of childbearing, and even their lives are in danger, but they have not received real returns of money, benefits, recognition, status, etc." Gu Jinluo explained earnestly , he never underestimated her.

Yan Xi just kept silent, she could no longer bear this responsibility.

Gu Jinluo continued: "I am diligent and hardworking. I must be strong. I just want to protect and help my family, my wife, and the people I care about."

"But, I don't need your protection and help. I don't doubt your ability or your liking for me, but I don't need it. Please don't force it on me. I don't need it." Yan Xi emphasized repeatedly, There are some things that others cannot help.

(End of this chapter)

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