I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 430 Yan Xi Resigns 10

Chapter 430 Yan Xi Resigns 10
"It's okay, I won't kidnap you with power and money, let alone marriage, you can do whatever you want, I won't interfere in your affairs, okay?" Gu Jinluo compromised again, he supported her diligence, he Tolerate her willfulness.

"You still don't understand, you are just standing on your own point of view, you have absolute advantages and rights. If I marry you, if one day I have a disagreement with you, or even divorce, I will be swept out of the house by you You can kill me with [-] million at any time, even if I can throw [-] billion in your face, you can kill me with [-] billion! We are not equal, do you understand?" Such a huge The gap completely crushed her pride.

"I don't think feelings can be measured by money. If I get married, as long as my wife won't betray me, I will never betray her, and I will never divorce. Please believe me." Gu Jinluo's eyes were firm and deep, he could Understand why she has this doubt.

"Don't talk too much, I'm not questioning you, but people change with time, and no one knows what will happen in the future. Sometimes today's promise is just a joke tomorrow." Yan Xi said, so she Never making a promise, she followed her beliefs, but she couldn't predict her own future.

"In the end, you still don't believe me. How can you believe me?" Gu Jinluo said, he was already willing to make a promise.

"Well, I believe you, but this person is not me. Because I have to leave, I will not settle in Jingyang City, I will not settle somewhere, I can't be with you. You have a family and parents, you have Ambition and career, you will have a wife and children in the future, you shoulder heavy responsibilities, your life is very precious, and your life pattern has basically stabilized."

It is impossible for her to give up everything for Gu Jinluo, and it is even more impossible for Gu Jinluo to give up everything for her. The point is that she doesn't need him at all.

Hearing this, Gu Jinluo felt deeply frustrated. He probably understood that she was leaving Jingyang City and could not be bound by marriage, so she could not accept him.

"It's not that you don't accept me, but you can't accept me, can you?"

"It's both. I can't feel that kind of love between men and women towards you. I don't like you." Yan Xi said, especially knowing that Gu Jinluo has a mental obsession with relationships, she couldn't feel any blasphemy towards him.

"I know you don't like me now, but we can get along slowly and develop our relationship slowly." Gu Jinluo argued that she shouldn't reject him arbitrarily.

"It can't be cultivated. Not only is my life trajectory completely different from yours, but my outlook on life, values ​​and worldview are also completely different from yours. You see, there will always be endless disputes between us, and every time we break up unhappy, Let's not force it, okay?" Yan Xi was very helpless.

Gu Jinluo was startled suddenly, recalling every time he got along with her, from the time he met her till now, except for the pleasant conversation that night when we first met her, every time we got along after that, we were always arguing, disagreeing, and unhappy And scattered.

"Let's not talk, let's sit quietly for a while, let's all calm down, okay?" Gu Jinluo asked.

"I'm very calm, but I can sit with you for a while, and you think slowly." Yan Xi looked at his watch, it was still early, and he was not in a hurry.

So, the two sat on the public bench, and neither of them spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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