I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 440 Yan Xi Resigns 20

Chapter 440 Yan Xi Resigns 20
The female assistant stood by and watched the two eating ice cream, her face became increasingly ugly.

The windows of famous cars are specially made. Although the situation inside the car cannot be seen from the outside, Bai Shaohua inside the car can clearly see the situation outside the car.

Not only did this woman come from a humble background, but she was also standing on the side of the road eating with a man, without manners or education!How vulgar!
After waiting for 2 minutes, Bai Shaohua became more and more angry. How could his son like such a vulgar woman?

Yan Xi finally finished eating the ice cream, and immediately wiped off the ice cream sticking to his hands with a paper towel.

"Who is that Mrs. Gu? Is it Gu Jinluo's wife?" Hua Cuo's voice was normal, and she didn't shy away from the female assistant next to her at all.

The female assistant immediately looked at Hua Cuo with cold eyes.

Hua Cuo turned a blind eye and continued, "When did Gu Jinluo get married?"

"No, it's President Gu's mother." Yan Xi glanced at Hua Cuo, did Hua Cuo have any grudge against President Gu?
"Oh, what is she looking for you for?" Hua mistakenly ate the crispy shell on the outside of the ice cream, making a crisp clicking sound.

"I don't know. Hold it for me." Yan Xi gave the paper towel and the ice cream cone to the flowers by mistake.

Hua mistakenly took the paper towel and paper tube, and crumpled them into a ball.

Yan Xi looked at the female assistant.

The female assistant went forward and opened the door of the back seat: "Get in the car."

Yan Xi sat in the car, there was a lot of space in the car, the seats faced front and back, Yan Xi sat opposite to Bai Shaohua.

"Ms. Bai, hello. I have kept you waiting for a long time. What can I do?"

"Who is that man outside?" Bai Shaohua's eyes were contemptuous. Just based on Yan Xi's actions with that man just now, the two of them have a very close relationship, not only between her son and Lan's son, but also with other men. .

"It's not convenient to disclose. Please allow me to say something impolite, I don't need to tell you about my affairs." Yan Xi's attitude was very polite.

Bai Shaohua looked at Yan Xi sharply, with a bit of arrogance.

"Ms. Bai, is there anything else you can do?" Yan Xi asked again, she had to go grocery shopping with Hua Cuo.

"Did Jin Luo come to see you on Thursday?" Bai Shaohua asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded.

"What happened between you and Jin Luo that day?" Bai Shaohua's heart was heavy. After his son came back that day, he was still depressed until now.

"Nothing happened between me and Mr. Gu. If you have any questions, you can ask Mr. Gu yourself." Yan Xi felt puzzled, this Ms. Bai didn't ask her son, but came to ask her, an outsider.

"Tell me!" Bai Shaohua said coldly, if her son was willing to tell her, would she need to spend a lot of time asking this woman?
"I have nothing to say." Yan Xi really didn't know what to say, could it be that your son insisted on pursuing her?She is self-aware, and even she herself feels embarrassed when she says this.

"Then why are you still pestering Jin Luo? What happened on Thursday?" Bai Shaohua's face was filled with anger. This woman is eloquent and can always resolve the problem lightly.

"Please don't get me wrong, I didn't pester Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu came to me on Thursday, and I just told him that we are not suitable. I know he has chronic gastroenteritis, so I just had lunch with him, and the matter That's it." Yan Xi said.

(End of this chapter)

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