I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 441 Marriage Problems 01

Chapter 441 Marriage Problems 01
"Is it just that simple?" Bai Shaohua was suspicious, after all, this woman is good at lying.

"You don't have to believe me, but you can trust Mr. Gu." Yan Xi said, she and this lady Bai are not related, her words are indeed not credible, but this lady Bai should always believe her son's words.

Bai Shaohua frowned. Her son said that he has his own way of doing things and life choices, let alone explain everything to her. She also doesn't want to force her son to do everything. But marriage is not only about the son's life, but also the fate of the family business. .

"How did you get together with Jin Luo before?"

"Ms. Bai, as I said before, I have never been with Mr. Gu, and we have never crossed the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Please allow me to say something beyond my control. Maybe Mr. Gu likes me a little bit, but I don't have any thoughts about Mr. Gu. If you came to me because of these things, then there is absolutely no need." Yan Xi explained, so don't come to her again in the future.

Bai Shaohua's face was ugly. What this woman meant was that Jin Luo liked her. She didn't like Jin Luo at all. So it was unnecessary to ask her?
"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. I'll take my leave." Yan Xi opened the door and got out of the car.

Hua Cuo has been waiting outside, and only smiled when she saw her come out.

The female assistant's face was gloomy, and she gave Hua a wrong look with disdain.

Yan Xi looked at Hua Cuo and the female assistant to see if Hua Cuo did something indecent or said something ugly that made others angry.

"Let's go to the market to buy vegetables, or we won't have enough time to cook soup." Hua Cuo urged.

Yan Xi and Hua walked away by mistake, and when passing by the trash can, Hua mistakenly threw the crumpled tissue into the trash can.

The female assistant got into the car and saw that the lady's face was not good.

"Ma'am, I don't know if I should say something."


"The man outside just now asked me about the young master. Of course I wouldn't say much, but that man threatened that Yan Xi looked down on the young master." The female assistant naturally found it ridiculous in her heart. With special talent and no outstanding looks, he is not worthy of the young master.

Bai Shaohua's face darkened, Yan Xi really didn't intend to marry into the Gu family?Really don't like Jin Luo, or do you have self-knowledge?


When Bai Shaohua returned home, he saw his son in the living room.

"Mom, have you gone to see Yan Xi?" Gu Jinluo's eyes were a little dark. The cars at home have been tracked, so it's easy to know where each car has gone.

"Yes, so what." Bai Shaohua's face was displeased, was his son questioning her?
"Yan Xi is not wrong, it has nothing to do with her, it's all my fault." Gu Jinluo has been thinking a lot recently. From the very beginning, he walked into the wrong room, and he was the one who made things difficult for her. He insisted on pestering her. Everything is his own cocoon.

Bai Shaohua was stunned, what did his son say?What's wrong with her son?Even if that woman Yan Xi doesn't like her son, it's because Yan Xi doesn't know what's good and what's wrong!

"Mom, please don't embarrass her anymore. Don't make an example, otherwise I will be angry." After finishing speaking, Gu Jinluo went upstairs.

Bai Shaohua was a little annoyed, but more worried and flustered, it could be seen that his son was angry this time, and it really shouldn't have caused a estrangement with his son because of Yan Xi.


(End of this chapter)

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