I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 442 Marriage Problems 02

Chapter 442 Marriage Problems 02
At noon today, Qin Hao took Ye Piaopiao and made an appointment with his parents to have lunch in the private room of Liyuan Restaurant.

Qin's father and Qin's mother are both executives of large companies, with an annual salary of more than one million, and two properties. Even in an international metropolis like Jingyang City, they are considered relatively wealthy.

Ye Piaopiao deliberately tied up her hair today, put on light makeup, and dressed in simple but elegant, soft and decent.

Ye Piaopiao has been in the workplace for a few years, and she has seen wind and rain, but she has not worked hard for a high-level internal position, so facing Qin's father and Qin's mother, it is inevitable that she is a little nervous and lacks confidence.

Qin Hao laughed at her: "Do you think you are going for an interview?"

Ye Piaopiao said, "I'd rather go to the interview."

At least she knows the position she is interviewing for, and how much ability and confidence she has.

Although Qin Hao said that his parents only value the character of the woman, of course she agrees, character is of course the most important, but strength and capital are also very important!Kindness and virtuousness do not have the right to speak, but strength must have the right to speak.

Qin Hao talked about the personalities of his parents. Both parents are relatively friendly people. They are definitely not rigid and stubborn people. They are very enlightened and understanding, especially his mother, who is more fashionable and fashionable than him. After all, his mother Is a fashion designer and serves as a design director.

Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao went to the private room and saw a middle-aged man and woman had already sat down.

Ye Piaopiao cursed inwardly, she and Qin Hao were late.

"Dad, Mom, this is Piao Piao, this is my parents." Qin Hao introduced.

"Xiaohao and Piao Piao are here, come and sit down." Mother Qin waved with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle and Aunt. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Ye Piaopiao smiled, and looked at the two of them secretly. Qin Hao's father was a bit serious, and Qin Hao's mother was very temperamental and tasteful, and her clothes were very fashionable. and pretty.

"We've just arrived, so you're welcome." Qin's father looked serious, but he was very friendly when he spoke.

"We have nothing to do at home, so we came first. His father and I are not picky about what you order." Mother Qin pushed the menu to the two of them.

Qin Hao took the menu and ordered. After all, he knew the taste of his parents and Piao Piao's taste.

After ordering, we started chatting.

"It's just a meeting today. Don't be nervous, Piao Piao. Don't be anxious about getting married. You can do it whenever you want." Qin's mother is very understanding.

"My mother said the same thing." Ye Piaopiao smiled.

"You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry." Qin Hao said helplessly, he was ready to propose marriage, but he knew that Piao Piao had no intention of getting married for the time being.

The chatterbox opened up, and the atmosphere gradually became active.

When talking about children, Qin's mother pondered for a moment and said, "As for having children, although medicine is advanced now, there is a certain age limit."

Ye Piaopiao's heart suddenly became aroused. If she is forced to have a son, or a few, if Qin Hao obeys his mother very much, then she needs to consider breaking up with Qin Hao. It's not that she doesn't love Qin Hao, but because of Disagreement over parenting could lead to divorce.

Qin's mother said again: "If you want to have a boy or a girl, it's fine if you don't. As long as you like it, our family has no throne to inherit. But if you have children, you must take good care of them and educate them."

Ye Piaopiao breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, Qin Hao's parents were indeed very open-minded.


(End of this chapter)

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