I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 444 Marriage Problems 04

Chapter 444 Marriage Problems 04
Ye Piaopiao sighed, she was worried about this cousin.

Zhuang Xiaoxia pursed her lips, she was just talking, she knew she couldn't do big things.

"Yan Xi, what kind of work do you want to do in the future?" Qin Hao asked casually.

"Rest for a while and then decide." Yan Xi was careless.

"After you resigned, I'm really sad. Tina also resigned on Friday, and many jobs fell into my hands. I'm screening the new secretary, and the new secretary needs at least two weeks of training." Qin Hao said The look of complaining.

"After I left my job, I didn't know about these things." So it was useless to tell her.

"Have you ever thought about reinstating your job?" Qin Hao asked. I believe the CEO would be very happy. He could choose Yan Xi as the new secretary, but he might offend Mrs. Gu.

"No." Yan Xi's answer was concise enough.

Qin Hao couldn't answer for a moment, he didn't expect Yan Xi to speak so decisively.

"After you left, the president didn't go to work on Thursday and Friday." Qin Hao said intentionally or unintentionally, it was most likely because of Yan Xi.

"I don't know." Yan Xi didn't want to continue this topic with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao had nothing to say for a moment. He mourned for the president for a second. Because of Yan Xi's resignation, the president didn't go to work for two days, but Yan Xi acted nonchalantly.

"The president doesn't go to work, does it have anything to do with Yan Xi?" Ye Piaopiao's eyes flashed suspicion, she already felt that there was something inside.

"This, probably not." Qin Hao said vaguely, he couldn't imagine the CEO being hurt by love.

Hua took a wrong look at Qin Hao. As Gu Jinluo's special assistant, Qin Hao must have done many things to hinder him before.

Zhuang Xiaoxia looked at Ye Piaopiao and Qin Hao, and asked teasingly: "Cousin, future cousin-in-law, how did you meet the parents yesterday?"

Ye Piaopiao didn't answer, at least she had a good first impression of Qin Hao's parents, but she didn't know what his parents' impression of her was.

Qin Hao smiled: "Of course it is logical."

Zhuang Xiaoxia looked at the two with a clear look.

Hua Cuo was a little surprised: "Piao Piao, are you going to get married?"

Ye Piaopiao has never been hypocritical, but she is not at all anxious about getting married: "Who knows what will happen in the future? Anyway, within the next year, I have no intention of getting married."

Qin Hao is very confident: "It doesn't matter, love is not kidnapped by marriage."

Zhuang Xiaoxia said enviously: "Cousin-in-law, are you showing affection? Have you considered the feelings of our three single dogs?"

Qin Hao just smiled, he didn't despise Xiaoxia, but Yan Xi and Hua Cuo wanted to get out of the single, it should be easy.As for Xiaoxia, it was a bit difficult, not just finding a boyfriend at random, but finding a very suitable and high-quality partner.

"Huacuo, you seem to be 26 and seven years old, have you always been single?" Ye Piaopiao looked at Huacuo, she never believed that Huacuo liked the same sex.

"Doesn't Hua Cuo have a boyfriend?" Zhuang Xiaoxia opened her eyes, she had never seen Hua Cuo's boyfriend before.

"I refuse to answer any personal questions." Hua Cuo's face darkened, is Zhuang Xiaoxia's mind just pretending to be foolish?

Ye Piaopiao's eyes are weird, but she is actually a little curious about how Huacuo can solve her physical problems.

Probably understood Ye Piaopiao's eyes, Huacuo vomited blood in his heart, but in fact he was also very...depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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