I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 445 Marriage Problems 05

Chapter 445 Marriage Problems 05
After lunch, Ye Piaopiao and Yan Xi went to the bathroom.

There was no one in the bathroom, Ye Piaopiao entered the cubicle, Yan Xi just washed his hands.

A girl went into the bathroom, Yan Xi heard a click, it was the sound of locking the door.

Yan Xi glanced at it, and saw that the girl had locked the bathroom door behind her.

The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old, she was petite and dainty, she was called a loli in today's Internet terminology, she had long black hair reaching her waist, a delicate and lovely face, a pair of big eyes that were lively and energetic, and she was wearing a very beautiful white tutu skirt.

The girl didn't go into the cubicle, she just stood by the sink, but she didn't wash her hands either, she just glanced at Yan Xi.

Through the mirror on the washbasin, Yan Xi had already secretly looked at the girl, and he was basically sure that there was no threat, but he didn't know her intentions.

Until Ye Piaopiao came out of the cubicle and turned on the tap to wash his hands.

The girl stared at Ye Piao Piao resentfully, as if she wished to peel Ye Piao Piao to pieces.

Sensing the girl's gaze from the mirror, Ye Piaopiao turned his head to see why this woman was staring at her.

"Are you Qin Hao's girlfriend?" The girl's voice was originally very clear and sweet, but now it was filled with deep hatred.

"Who are you?" Ye Piaopiao felt baffled, the girl in front of her was very young, she still looked like a student, what was the relationship with Qin Hao?
"How could Qin Hao like you, a 28-year-old woman?" the girl cursed unwillingly.

Ye Piaopiao was stunned, old woman?Compared to the little loli in front of me, she is indeed an old woman, but Qin Hao is also 28 years old, how old is she?

Yan Xi looked at the girl, and locked the bathroom door, just to block Piao Piao?
"What are you looking at! You're an old woman too!" The girl was petite and had to raise her head to glare at Yan Xi.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, and she silently looked away, she was looking forward to when she was getting old.

Ye Piaopiao said angrily: "Miss, are you sick?"

"You are the only one who is sick! Why do you, an old woman, pester Qin Hao? I know you have had several boyfriends before, you are no longer a virgin, you are not clean, you are not worthy of Qin Hao at all!" The girl said angrily, she had already investigated this woman, not only was she old, but she had also dated several men before.

Ye Piaopiao laughed out of anger, what kind of theory is this?Is a person's cleanliness measured by whether he is a virgin?Is it clean to be a virgin?Is it unclean if you are not a virgin?
Are all married people unclean?
It would be really scary if she was still a virgin at 28!She is physically normal, and her boyfriend is not impotent.She is not a nun, nor is her ex-boyfriend a monk!

"Miss, not only have I fucked a few men, I've also fucked Qin Hao, how about it? Are you upset?" Ye Piaopiao said in a frivolous tone.

"You! You shameless woman! A flirtatious woman! I have never had a boyfriend, and I am still a virgin, so I am worthy of Qin Hao! Leave Qin Hao if you are sensible!" the girl said proudly, she Clean in body and mind, she remains pure and flawless.

"Are you crazy? Did Qin Hao break your virginity?" Ye Piaopiao was really angry.

"Of course!" the girl said blushingly, her eyes flickering.

Ye Piaopiao's face immediately became gloomy. Has Qin Hao had a relationship with this woman?Please find a normal one and don't embarrass her like this!
(End of this chapter)

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