I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 446 Marriage Problems 06

Chapter 446 Marriage Problems 06
As an outsider, Yan Xi felt a little embarrassed. He looked at the girl, is this girl an adult?
Ye Piaopiao was full of anger, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Don't go!" The girl immediately rushed up to stop Ye Piaopiao.

"Go away!" Ye Piaopiao looked at the girl coldly.

"Hmph! Do you know who I am? My father is the chairman of Fengmao Enterprise, so I am worthy of Qin Hao. You'd better leave Qin Hao immediately!" the girl said threateningly.

"I don't care who your father is? It's none of my business! Get out!" Ye Piaopiao pushed the girl away with one hand, and walked away quickly.

The girl was wearing high heels and almost fell, watching Ye Piao Piao go away angrily.

Yan Xi followed Ye Piaopiao and left.

Back in the restaurant, Ye Piaopiao sat down and kept silent, she needed to calm down.

Seeing Ye Piaopiao's gloomy face, Qin Hao stretched out his hand to touch Ye Piaopiao's hand, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Ye Piaopiao immediately moved his hand away: "Don't touch me, let me calm down."

Everyone noticed Ye Piaopiao's abnormality, and the atmosphere was instantly indifferent.

Qin Hao cast a look at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi remained silent.

Qin Hao had no choice but to ask, "Yan Xi, what happened?"

Yan Xi didn't want to get involved, these private matters couldn't be made public, so he summed it up briefly: "There was a very young girl who said I was an old woman."

"Others say you are an old woman, are you glorious?" Ye Piaopiao immediately gave Yan Xi a look, but Yan Xi didn't react at all.

"She told me in advance, or, I am now. Piao Piao, I think that girl is lying." Yan Xi reminded, Piao Piao was overwhelmed by anger.

Ye Piaopiao remained silent.

Zhuang Xiaoxia and the others looked at each other, what happened, what old woman?What girl lied?

After checking out, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

"I'll go first." Ye Piaopiao couldn't take it anymore, picked up the handbag and left.

Qin Hao hurriedly chased after him.

Zhuang Xiaoxia looked gloomy, she came by her cousin's car, now that her cousin and Qin Hao are having conflicts, she is embarrassed to follow.

"Yan Xi, what happened just now? What happened to my cousin?" Zhuang Xiaoxia was full of doubts, as if she had never seen her cousin so angry.

"I believe Piao Piao can solve it." Yan Xi didn't say much, this is a private matter between Piao Piao and Qin Hao.

"Is it related to Qin Hao?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked, the object of her cousin's anger was clearly Qin Hao.

Yan Xi didn't say a word, and picked up the water glass to drink water.

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon, what program do you have? If you go to Shopping, I can carry your things for you. If you don't want to go, Xiaoxia, Yan Xi and I will take you home." Huacuo has already made arrangements.

"Cousin is so angry, I'm not in the mood for shopping anymore." Zhuang Xiaoxia sighed, just now she was envious of her cousin, but love is not as beautiful as imagined.


Ye Piaopiao went to the underground to park, and Qin Hao followed all the way.

"Piao Piao, what happened? Can you tell me?" Qin Hao took her hand.

"Let go, let me talk to you after I calm down, okay?" Ye Piaopiao shook off his hand, was she going to question Qin Hao, or lose her temper?What is said under anger is impulsive and irrational.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to tell me. But if you are not calm now, don't drive. I will take you back." Qin Hao still followed her.

Ye Piaopiao did not refuse, but remained silent all the way.

Suddenly, I saw a white figure hiding behind the car.

Ye Piaopiao ran over quickly.

Qin Hao looked puzzled, and then followed Ye Piaopiao.

When the girl saw Ye Piaopiao running, she ran away immediately, but because she had just learned to wear high heels and couldn't run fast, she was stopped by Ye Piaopiao immediately, so she didn't run at all, and looked at Qin Hao affectionately.

"Who is she?" Ye Piaopiao asked.

"What?" Qin Hao was confused.

"Let me ask you, who is she?" Ye Piaopiao said with a cold face.

"How do I know who she is?" Qin Hao was puzzled, Piao Piao didn't know this woman, why did he run over to stop others?

"You don't know her?" Ye Piaopiao raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Hao suspiciously.

"How do I know her? I thought you knew her." Qin Hao was completely confused.

Ye Piaopiao was also a little messy, and squinted at the girl in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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