Chapter 458
Yin Ziheng had nothing to do, but in an instant he had an idea and sent a message.

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: How about I send you a picture of my brother.

Without waiting for Yan Xi to agree, Yin Ziheng found out a few photos of his brother, chose the ugliest one and sent it to him, selling his brother out in a very dishonest manner.

These include Yin Zimo's childhood photos, graduation photos, recent photos, etc., no filters, no beautification, no PS, and the shooting technology is not high, very normal and ordinary photos.

When Yan Xi saw these photos, she didn't mind admiring them. After all, even if there was no possibility with Zimo, it didn't hinder her appreciation and liking.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Don't send me.

[Friend] The beautiful man on the star: We are also considered netizens, I ask you a very serious question, why don't you like my brother?

Although Yin Ziheng often blackmailed his brother, he respected and admired his brother in his heart. Apart from not being handsome enough, not humorous and witty enough, his brother should be very popular with women.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: I refuse to discuss personal issues with you.

[Friend] The beautiful man on the star: Don't do this, I am an emotional expert, you can completely treat me as a woman.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: I'm going to brush up the dungeon, bye.

[Friend] The beautiful man on the star: wait, who are you going to brush the dungeon with, take me with you.

After playing the game, Yin Ziheng went to find his brother.

Yin Zimo was reading a book in the room, and looked up at Yin Ziheng.

"Brother, I want to ask you something." Yin Ziheng smiled flatteringly.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zimo didn't raise her eyebrows.

"Well, I was playing a game just now and had a chat with Lone Traveler. What does she look like? Do you have a picture of her?" Yin Ziheng's curiosity flared up.

Yin Zimo frowned slightly. He and Yan Xi only had a few photos of her in middle school, and there were no recent photos of her. Although her appearance did not change much, her temperament and temperament changed a lot. The wind is light and careless.

"Brother?" Yin Ziheng called out, what was his brother's reaction?
"What do you want her picture for?"

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to see what she looks like." Yin Ziheng said. There are a few people in the Red Blood League who are good at playing games and cold, and the lone walker is one of them. I don't know if real people are equally cold.

"If there is a chance, we will always see each other." Yin Zimo's eyes were filled with deep melancholy and sadness. If there was no chance, he didn't know what to do.

"You can just show me now, so that I can be mentally prepared." Yin Ziheng resorted to stalking tactics, not far from her home, maybe one day I can see it on the street.

"Don't look, go out, don't disturb me." Yin Zimo was unmoved.

Yin Ziheng left depressed, and secretly checked his brother's cell phone another day, maybe there were photos of the lone traveler.

Yin Zimo put down the book in his hand, got up and walked to the bookshelf, took out a collection of poems from the bookshelf, opened the pages, and found a few photos inside.

The photo is still well preserved. The girl in the photo has long hair, a wanton and bright smile, and a proud and flamboyant expression. At that time, she had excellent academic performance and was good at various sports. There seemed to be light, and many boys liked her at that time.


(End of this chapter)

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