Chapter 459
Lan Muge was sitting on the sofa, watching TV with his mother, and the news broadcast was playing.

"Why are you always at home on weekends?" Duan Yingfei asked, didn't he go after Yan Xi?Weekends are a great time.

"No way, she likes to play games at home on weekends." Lan Muge looked helpless, she always dated herself on weekends.

"You can sit together and play games." Duan Yingfei said, how difficult is this?
"She doesn't like to come to our house, and she doesn't let me go to her house." Lan Muge was very depressed, and they had already kissed, did it mean that they acquiesced in the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Then you can find other places." Duan Yingfei said, this matter is not difficult.

Lan Muge thought about it, and that's right, why didn't he think of it.

The phone rang, and Lan Muge answered the call: "Yixue."

"I called A Luo this morning. I asked you to have lunch or play golf with him. I asked him when he would be free, but he couldn't tell." Song Yixue's voice was a little disappointed.

Lan Muge frowned, A Luo was not free, but he didn't come, did he miss him on purpose?
"Mu Ge, how are you and A Luo?" Song Yixue was worried, because of Yan Xi, would A Luo want to break up with Mu Ge?
"You should ask him that." Lan Muge rubbed his forehead, he didn't know what was wrong.

"Forget it, I won't ask." Song Yixue laughed at herself, it was impossible for Aluo to tell her.

"I don't believe he has been hanging out with me, I'm waiting. That's it. Call me if you have anything to do. Goodbye." Lan Muge hung up.

Lan Muge put down his phone casually and watched the boring news broadcast.

"What's the matter with Yixue calling you? Is it related to Jin Luo?" Duan Yingfei vaguely heard it.

"This is a complicated and bloody question, but in the end I acted as the male lead." Lan Muge was both depressed and happy, in other words, A Luo became the male supporting role.

"Huh? Does Jin Luo really like Yan Xi?" Duan Yingfei was a little surprised. Bai Shaohua said before that Jin Luo and Yan Xi had some unclear relationship.

"I don't know, but no matter what, Yan Xi chose me in the end." Lan Muge laughed, she said that she didn't love A Luo at all.

"How is it possible? As long as she is a normal woman, she will choose Jin Luo between you and Jin Luo." Duan Yingfei was very puzzled.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that Yan Xi is not a normal woman? Or is A Luo your son?" Lan Muge said angrily. Ever since he was a child, his parents wanted him to grow up like A Luo.

"Son, you are already 27 years old, you can't be so half-hearted in the future, and be careful to reap the consequences." Duan Yingfei said earnestly, she didn't want to take care of things, but neither her daughter nor her son reassured her.

"Where am I half-hearted? It's really not suitable, and I can't help it. But this time I think it's suitable, and I have a lot of feelings for her." He had an indescribable feeling.

"Then does she have feelings for you?" Duan Yingfei asked, this is the point, okay?

"Well, I really don't know, there should be." Lan Muge thought for a while, the relationship between him and Yan Xi is very delicate, they share common hobbies and topics, often date and play games, and even kiss, she Neither refused.

A special news is being broadcast on the news feed.

"According to the astronomical forecast, the people of Jingyang City will be able to see meteors streaking across the southern night sky between [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] am tomorrow night." The female anchor's hearty and clear voice came from the TV.

Seeing this report, Lan Muge suddenly thought of something, this is a good time.


(End of this chapter)

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