Chapter 460
On Sunday evening, Lan Muge asked Yan Xi to have dinner together, saying that he would take her to a place to watch shooting stars and spend the night with her.

Yan Xi couldn't help guessing that she wasn't very interested in watching meteors, but... to spend the night.

After dinner, Lan Muge took Yan Xi to Huayue International, of course not into the clubhouse or club, but to the top floor.

Yan Xi took a look, Huayue International?Zhong Manyao had brought her to Club No. [-] here before.

The top floor of Huayue International, the 39th floor, belongs to the private area, which is divided into two spaces, east and west. The east side belongs to Duan Xunge's office, and the west side belongs to Lan Muge's private space. The security system is extremely strict, with 24-hour monitoring and security guards guard.

Lan Muge led Yan Xi to the top floor through a special elevator, and there was a security door on the east and west sides that required iris recognition.

"Young Master Lan, it's ready." The butler suddenly appeared to show his presence, and looked at the two of them with ambiguous eyes. It was the first time Young Master Lan brought someone here, and it was a woman.

"Yeah." Lan Muge glanced at the butler, and signaled the butler to get out of here with his eyes.

The butler immediately left with interest. Yesterday Lan Shao asked him to prepare some things. Lan Shao hadn't been here for a long time, because Lan Shao didn't come here often, which made him useless as a housekeeper.

Lan Muge pressed the password and recognized the iris, and the security door was unlocked.

Open the door and walk in, you will be greeted by a spacious space, designed with very fashionable and smooth lines.

There is a long dining table in the center, and the vase on the dining table is transparent, and you can see the blue liquid in the vase, which holds a bright blue rose.

When Yan Xi saw this rose, it was supposed to be a white rose, but it was dyed blue with blue liquid. Lan Muge seemed to like roses very much.

The curtains of all the floor-to-ceiling windows are opened, and you can have a panoramic view of the night view of Jingyang City, and there are endless stars and stars outside.

"This is my private space, how about it?"

"Surprise!" Yan Xi was indeed a little surprised, bringing her to his private space, which would cause her to misunderstand.

"Too high affirmation words, your answer also makes me very surprised." Lan Muge's eyes lit up, if he knew she liked it, he would have brought her here earlier.

Hearing this, Yan Xi couldn't figure out what Lan Muge meant.

"No need to drive, how about we drink some wine?" Lan Muge asked, drinking is more atmospheric.

"Oh, that's fine." Yan Xi felt a little uneasy in his heart. Is this the rhythm that leads people to commit crimes?
"What wine do you want to drink?" Lan Muge opened the wine cellar, which was filled with wine from all over the world.

"I don't have much research on alcohol, you can do whatever you want." Yan Xi rarely drank alcohol, but it's okay to drink a little.

"Let's go to the roof to drink." Lan Muge picked out a bottle of red wine, took two wine glasses, and then led her up the stairs.

The second floor is the bedroom, and the top floor is a sky garden.

The garden is very vast, brightly lit, and the trees and flowers are uniquely trimmed, full of garden art.

Here you can see the starry sky, and you can also see the busy traffic downstairs. The vehicles pass by on the long road like light spots.

There are open-air tables and chairs in the center of the garden, and there are still vases and blue roses.

Lan Muge took out the cork with a wine opener, and poured the red wine into the decanter.

While waiting to sober up, Lan Muge fetched a vinyl record and put it in the record player. It was a violin solo.

(End of this chapter)

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