I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 461 Watching the Meteor Shower 01

Chapter 461 Watching the Meteor Shower 01
The sky garden on the top floor is very quiet, only the melodious sound of the violin echoes.

Seeing this, Yan Xi had to admit that Lan Muge was very good at creating a romantic atmosphere.

Lan Muge walked up to her and stretched out her right hand: "Miss Yan Xi, can I invite you to dance?"

Yan Xi couldn't refuse, so he put his hand on his palm: "My pleasure."

Accompanied by the sound of the violin, the two danced together in the garden.

"In this situation, I feel like I'm back on my birthday." Lan Muge's eyes were full of light, this feeling is so wonderful.

"I have the same feeling." Yan Xi said without hesitation. It is undeniable that he is full of charm.

"I don't know if you are out of politeness or out of sincerity, in short, every word you say makes me feel surprised." Lan Muge said with a sigh, she will make him intoxicated, what should I do?
"It's both." Yan Xi's eyes were deep, he was the one who lured her into committing a crime, how could it be that she was the one who lured him?
Lan Muge was excited inside, the temperature on her hands was so hot, her fingers were slender and slightly skinny, she felt extremely suitable and wonderful no matter what.

It took a long time for this dance to end, Lan Muge still held her hand, came to the center of the garden, and then slowly let go of her hand.

He poured out two glasses of red wine and handed one of them to her.

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the red wine and clinked glasses with him.

"You're welcome." Lan Muge's eyes were fascinated, watching the dark red wine pass by her lips, he suddenly had an impulse in his heart.

After Yan Xi drank the wine, his eyes collided with him.

Lan Muge looked away instantly, took a sip slowly, and asked, "How does it taste?"

"Very good." Even though Yan Xi didn't know how to taste wine, he thought the taste was unique and delicious.

"Your taste is elusive. I hesitated for a long time before choosing this bottle of red wine. Do I know your taste quite well?" Lan Muge asked. what taste.

"It's too clear." Yan Xi smiled, not minding making him happy.

Lan Muge's eyes are full of joy. He and she are getting to know each other more and more, not only understanding each other's habits and personalities, but also each other's shortcomings and deficiencies, but there will be no conflicts, because they know how to respect each other's differences. different.

"Yan Xi, are you afraid of heights?"

"Of course not."

"Come with me." Lan Muge reached out to hold her wrist, leading her all the way through the garden and to the front of the fence.

Looking at it from here, the vehicles are like ants, and in addition to the night, there are no people to be seen, only the flickering lights.

"Are you nervous?" Lan Muge looked at her. Most people, even if they are not afraid of heights, would feel a little nervous when looking at them from such a height.

"Height won't make me nervous, but you will make me a little nervous tonight." Yan Xi said frankly, because she still doesn't know what his intentions are tonight.

"Relax! Relax! I won't drag you down." Lan Muge said jokingly.

Hearing this, Yan Xi felt a little depressed. Did he really not understand, or was he pretending not to understand?

"Drinking some wine will strengthen your courage. Will you get drunk?" Lan Muge asked. He drank a little wine when he ate with her for the first time, but he didn't drink it after that. I don't know how she can drink.

"I've never been drunk before." Yan Xi doesn't usually drink alcohol, but he has a very good capacity for alcohol.

"Me too, because I don't allow myself to get drunk." Lan Muge is very self-disciplined about certain things, and it is also a habit.

(End of this chapter)

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