I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 463 Watching the Meteor Shower 05

Chapter 463 Watching the Meteor Shower 05
The next morning, Yan Xi woke up naturally at 07:30 even though he didn't go to bed until [-]:[-] a.m. last night.

The curtains were opened, the sun was shining brightly outside, and there were endless high-rise buildings, and the bustling Jingyang City could be seen.

The phone rang, and Yan Xi answered it.

"Good morning, I'm going to your house to get something now, and buy breakfast and newspapers by the way."

"I'm not at home, so you don't need to buy me breakfast, you can go up by yourself." Yan Xi said, the key was not returned to her by mistake.

"Where are you?" Hua Cuo asked suspiciously. It is now 07:30 in the morning, and she is usually running at this time.

"Outside." Yan Xi said.

Hua Cuo was stunned, didn't she want to tell him?Then he doesn't ask.

"Then I'll go up by myself, bye."

"Goodbye." Yan Xi hung up the line.

Yan Xi drew the curtains and walked out of the study room. Lan Muge was nowhere to be seen, and there was no one on the bed. He heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

After a while, Lan Muge came out of the bathroom and saw her here. In the morning, a woman other than his mother and his sister appeared in his bedroom. This feeling is indescribable. Her hair is a bit messy and black. Pajamas make her mysterious and charming...

"Good morning." Yan Xi looked at him, she felt very uncomfortable about the misunderstanding last night.

"Good morning, it's still early, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Lan Muge regained consciousness in an instant, and didn't sleep until after two o'clock in the morning last night.

"I usually wake up at six or seven in the morning. Do you still need to use the bathroom?" Yan Xi asked.

"No, you go. I'll send someone to wash the clothes you wore yesterday. You choose a set of clothes from the closet. If they don't fit, I'll send someone to change them."

"Okay, thank you." Yan Xi walked into the bathroom and closed the curtain.

After the two finished grooming, it was past eight o'clock, so they went out to have breakfast.

When the two went out, they met Duan Xunge who was back to work.

Duan Xunge is wearing a mysterious and cool gothic-style black windbreaker, black high boots, and long hair tied into a ponytail, which fits her image of the underworld queen very well.

"Have you finally got rid of the title of virgin?" Duan Xunge's eyes lingered on the two of them.

"Congratulations, Young Master Lan!" The butler came out to show his presence again, smiling flatteringly.

Lan Muge's face suddenly became gloomy, and a message was revealed in his angry eyes, get out of here!
The butler stopped smiling for a moment and walked away tactfully.

Duan Xunge pressed the password and iris recognition, then walked in and closed the door.

The rest of the staff immediately dispersed.

Lan Muge glanced at her quietly, seeing that her expression was as usual, she couldn't guess what she was thinking at all, at this moment he even wanted to hit the wall!
Yan Xi's mood is quite complicated at the moment, but fortunately last night was not too bad.

"Let's go have breakfast." Lan Muge walked forward calmly and pressed the down button of the elevator.

This breakfast was very embarrassing, and neither of them mentioned a word about the embarrassing topic just now.

After finally finishing this breakfast, Yan Xi said that he wanted to go home.

Lan Muge drove her to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

After getting out of the car, Lan Muge said, "I'll take you up and then to the door."

"No, goodbye." Yan Xi had the urge to escape.

"Yanxi, wait a minute." Lan Muge suddenly took a step forward, embraced her with both hands, kissed her lips quickly, and then quickly let her go.

Yan Xi was a little uneasy, but fortunately there was no one around. Now many people in the community thought that Hua Cuo was her boyfriend. If someone saw her and Lan Muge's behavior, how would she explain it?

"Goodbye." Lan Muge's voice carried a cheerful and triumphant smile.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi walked away quickly.

Lan Muge didn't get in the car until he saw Yan Xi walking into the community.


(End of this chapter)

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