I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 464 Watching the Meteor Shower 06

Chapter 464 Watching the Meteor Shower 06
When Yan Xi returned home, he heard a noise, walked over to see, Hua Cuo hadn't left yet?
"You're back." Hua Cuo came out of the room.

"Well, are you here to get the luggage?" Yan Xi went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water.

"No, I'm here to pick up my laptop. I have to go to work, and I'm already late. Where were you just now?" Hua Cuo hesitated, but couldn't help but ask.

"Go out for a while." Yan Xi stood at the door of the kitchen, drinking from a water glass.

"Have you had breakfast?" Hua looked at her wrongly, she had never seen her wear this suit, it should be new, why did she come back in the morning?
"I've eaten." Yan Xi poured out the leftover water and washed the cup casually.

"Then, I'll go first." Huacuo walked to the kitchen door and looked at her figure.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi looked back at him.

"Goodbye." Hua made a wrong turn and left, opened the door and left.

When he heard the door closing, Yan Xi went back to his room and turned on the computer.

Enter the password and identify the fingerprint, and open the surveillance video at home.

When the progress bar was pulled to about 45:[-], the time passed by one minute and one second. Hua Cuo in the picture had been standing by the window for a long time before leaving, then went back to the room, and then she opened the door and came in.

Hua Cuo had already seen her and Lan Muge downstairs, so why bother to ask her?

She really didn't want to say too much just now, did he pretend not to know on purpose?In fact, he can say it directly.


In the afternoon, Lan Muge exercised for two hours to use up the excess energy. He didn't take a shower until dusk, and then sat on the sofa with his mother and waited for dinner.

Not knowing what Yan Xi was doing, Lan Muge thought about it, so she took out her phone and sent her a text message: I'm watching TV, what are you doing?
After waiting for less than 1 minute, I received her reply: I am surfing the Internet.

Lan Muge smiled, and sent another message: Have you had dinner yet?
After Yan Xi finished typing a line of code and Enter on the keyboard, he picked up his phone and replied: I'm going to make dinner.

Lan Muge laughed again, and continued to send messages: Next time we will make dinner together.

This time I waited for a long time, but I didn't get her reply. Could it be that she is going to make dinner?
Seeing his son laughing all the time, Duan Yingfei suddenly poked his head over to have a look: "What are you doing?"

Lan Muge immediately took away the phone: "Why are you peeking at me?"

Duan Yingfei's eyes were disdainful: "I'm not interested in peeking at you, I just saw you smiling like a crazy person."

Lan Muge's face darkened, and she actually said that about him. Is he her own?
"However, just now I saw that the contact person's name is Goddess, have you changed your girlfriend again?" Duan Yingfei was a little worried. If his son continued to play like this, sooner or later he would stumble.

"What are you talking about? The goddess is Yan Xi!" Lan Muge said angrily.

"Really? Are you together?" Duan Yingfei was a little surprised. How could a normal woman give up Jin Luo and choose her son?
"Of course, we watched the meteor shower together last night." Lan Muge looked smug. Although they haven't officially confirmed that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, it can be seen from everything last night that Yan Xi has accepted him.

"Watching the meteor shower together, such a bloody plot?" Duan Yingfei still couldn't believe it. Unlike those little girls, Yan Xi shouldn't be moved by a meteor shower.

Lan Muge's face darkened again: "What blood? This is romance, what do you know! Dad must have never taken you to see a meteor shower."

(End of this chapter)

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